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J Endod.2021 Aug;47(8):1245-1252.


Factors Affecting the Removal Time of Separated Instruments.

PMID: 34000326




INTRODUCTION: Separated endodontic instruments may adversely affect the outcome of endodontic treatment. The combination of ultrasonic techniques and dental operating microscopes appears to be effective in the removal of separated instruments compared with more randomized techniques. This study evaluated the roles of root canal curvature and separated instrument length on the time needed to loosen and retrieve the instrument fragments.


一般開業医が再治療のために個人の歯内療法診療所に紹介した128本の分離器具の回収手順を、最低6ヵ月間モニターした患者で評価した。術前のコーンビームCT画像を用いて、分離した器具の長さと管腔の湾曲度を測定した。初期段階では、歯質を除去し、破折したインスツルメントを緩めるために超音波インスツルメントを使用した。第2段階では、超音波インスツルメント、ワイヤーループ、またはXP Shapers(FKG Dentaire SA, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland)をフラグメント除去に使用した。すべての処置の時間を記録した。統計解析は、Stata Version 14.2 software(StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX)を用いて、対数正規回帰、構造方程式モデリング、線形回帰を適用して行った。

METHODS: The retrieval procedures of 128 separated instruments referred to a private endodontic practice for retreatment by general practitioners were evaluated in patients who were monitored for a minimum of 6 months. Preoperative cone-beam computed tomographic images were used to measure separated instrument lengths in relation to the degrees of canal curvatures. Ultrasonic instruments were used in the initial phase to remove the tooth structure and to loosen the fractured instrument. In the second phase, ultrasonic instruments, wire loops, or XP Shapers (FKG Dentaire SA, La Chaux-de-Fonds, Switzerland) were used for fragment removal. The time periods for all procedures were recorded. Statistical analysis was completed applying log-normal regression, structural equation modeling, and linear regression using Stata Version 14.2 software (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX).



RESULTS: All separated instruments were successfully retrieved. Using the protocol in this study, 89.8% of the instruments were removed using ultrasonic instruments alone with a mean time of 221 seconds. The instrument removal time was dependent on both the instrument length and the root canal curvature. Additionally, preparation times were proportionately longer with increasing separated instrument lengths when the loop device was required.



CONCLUSIONS: The preparation phase appears to have an important role in the retrieval of separated instruments. Preparation times for both non-loop and loop groups demonstrate that length and curvature are independent predictors of the log-transformed time. Generally, procedure times were extended with increasing file lengths and higher degrees of canal curvature.