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J Clin Med.2021 May;10(10).

歯内療法を受けた歯が固定式矯正装置の力を受けたときの歯根の特徴と歯周構造の放射線的評価。A prospective, Clinical Cohort Study

The Radiological Assessment of Root Features and Periodontal Structures in Endodontically Treated Teeth Subjected to Forces Generated by Fixed Orthodontic Appliances. A Prospective, Clinical Cohort Study.

PMID: 34066264



The various side effects of orthodontic treatment with fixed orthodontic appliances (FOAs) and their impact on apical and periodontal structures have been widely reported. However, the existing data is not yet conclusive.



AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: To investigate the status of roots and periodontium in endodontically treated teeth that have undergone orthodontic treatment with the use of FOAs and to evaluate their impact on apical/periodontal structures.



MATERIAL AND METHODS: The prospective clinical cohort study initially involved 69 participants aged 16-40, without underlying systemic conditions, who received orthodontic treatment with ligatureless FOA systems due to different types of mild and moderate malocclusions. To meet the required criteria, 88 teeth in 34 patients were assessed clinically and radiologically. Participants had at least one tooth treated endodontically while the corresponding tooth from the same anatomical group on the opposite side was vital and intact (a 'split-mouth' approach). Four cohorts were allocated: Group IA consisted of 15 teeth, treated utilising the principles of modern endodontics, that were subjected to orthodontic forces no less than six months after completing the root canal obturation. Group I consisted of 13 similarly endodontically treated teeth, which commenced orthodontic treatment at least six months after the completed endodontic therapy. Group II contained 16 teeth treated by conventional endodontic methods and the control group, Group III, contained 44 clinically and radiologically intact teeth (incisors and premolars) with vital and sound dental pulp. The response of apical and periodontal structures to FOAs was determined by data collected from intraoral periapical radiographs taken within the course of five consecutive appointments during the orthodontic treatment.


IA+IB群とII群の間では,FOAによる外歯根吸収の感受性に統計的な有意差は認められなかった。しかし,根管治療の方法にかかわらず,EARRの発生と歯根膜(PDL)腔の拡大度との間には関連性が認められた。累積データでは、PDLスペースの幅とFOA治療の段階(3回目と4回目の予約)との間に正の相関関係が認められた。根の長さについては、特にグループIIでは、2回目と3回目の予約の間に、放射線学的に微妙な変化が見られた(最小0mm/最大0.38mm)(< 0.05)。

RESULTS: No statistically significant differences were observed in susceptibility to FOA-induced external apical root resorption (EARR) between combined Groups IA + IB and II. An association was, however, demonstrated, between the occurrence of EARR and the degree of expansion of the periodontal ligament (PDL) space, regardless the method of root canal treatment. Cumulative data revealed a positive correlation between the width of the PDL space and the stage of FOA treatment (the third and the fourth appointment). The subtle changes in radiological length of roots have been observed (min 0 mm/max 0.38 mm), particularly between the second and third appointment in Group II ( < 0.05).


FOAを用いた標準的な歯科矯正治療は、歯内療法を受けたばかりの患者にとって、結果を予測できる安全な選択肢である。前歯(主に切歯)は、前歯よりも最小限のEARRの影響を受けやすかった。このことは、EARRの発生率が根尖部の元々の形態に依存している可能性を示唆している。歯列矯正を行うと,EARRのリスクが高まり,X線で検出されるPDL space wideningの発生率が高くなることが示唆された。

CONCLUSIONS: The standard orthodontic therapy with FOAs is a safe option with predictable outcome for persons who have recently received endodontic therapy. The anterior teeth, predominantly incisors, were more susceptible to minimal EARR than premolars, which suggests that the rate of EARR occurrence may depend upon the original morphology of the apical portion of the root. The use of additional orthodontic forces increases the risk of EARR and is associated with a higher incidence of radiologically detected PDL space widening.