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ERJ Open Res.2021 Apr;7(2).


Swallowing dysfunction in patients hospitalised due to a COPD exacerbation.

PMID: 34109239




OBJECTIVES: This cross-sectional study aimed to investigate the prevalence of self-reported and clinically screened swallowing dysfunction (dysphagia) in COPD patients with severe exacerbations and to identify any associated factors. Findings were then compared to a control group.


COPDの増悪により入院した患者30名が参加した。対照群は、急性心疾患症状で入院した成人30名である。データは、スパイロメトリー、150mL時間差水飲み込み試験、クッキー飲み込み試験、呼吸困難アンケート(修正Medical Research Council (mMRC))から得た。10項目のEating Assessment Tool(EAT-10)のスコアは、患者の嚥下機能障害に対する認識を評価するために算出された。

METHODS: Participants included 30 patients hospitalised due to a COPD exacerbation. The control group consisted of 30 adults hospitalised with acute cardiac symptoms. Data were derived from spirometry, the 150 mL timed water swallow test, a cookie swallow test and a dyspnoea questionnaire (modified Medical Research Council (mMRC)). Scores from the 10-item Eating Assessment Tool (EAT-10) were calculated to assess patient perception of swallowing dysfunction.


COPD患者では、自己申告による嚥下機能障害およびその臨床症状が対照群よりも多く認められた(それぞれ67%23%、80%37%、p≦0.001)。COPD急性増悪群における嚥下機能障害の臨床的徴候は、自己申告の嚥下機能障害(p=0.02)および口腔乾燥(p=0.04)と関連していた。呼吸困難(mMRC ≥2)はCOPD患者においてより一般的であった(90% 47%、p<0.001)。肺機能と自己申告の嚥下障害との間には有意な負の相関が認められたが(r=-0.39,p=0.03),肺機能と臨床的にスクリーニングされた嚥下障害との間には相関は認められなかった(r=-0.23,p=0.21).

RESULTS: Self-reported swallowing dysfunction and clinical signs thereof were more common in COPD patients than in the control group (67% 23% and 80% 37%, respectively; p≤0.001). Clinical signs of swallowing dysfunction in the group with acute exacerbation of COPD were associated with self-reported swallowing dysfunction (p=0.02) and xerostomia (p=0.04). Dyspnoea (mMRC ≥2) was more common among the COPD patients (90% 47%, p<0.001). There was a significant negative correlation between lung function and self-reported dysphagia (r=-0.39, p=0.03), but not between lung function and clinically screened dysphagia (r=-0.23, p=0.21).



CONCLUSION: COPD patients hospitalised with an acute exacerbation experienced significantly more self-reported and clinically screened swallowing dysfunction compared to a control group of patients with cardiac symptoms. Both patient groups experienced dyspnoea, but it was twice as common in the group with acute exacerbation of COPD. Both groups also experienced xerostomia.