Comparison between water flosser and regular floss in the efficacy of plaque removal in patients after single use.
PMID: 34194188
Objective: The objective was to compare water flosser and regular floss in the efficacy of plaque removal in patients after single use.
水用フロスと通常のフロスの歯垢除去効果を比較するために、無作為化比較臨床試験を行った。参加基準を満たした83名の被験者を歯科医院から募集した。介入前と介入後に,Silness and Löe plaque indexを,使用した補助具の種類を知らない試験者が測定した。使用するフロスの種類は、口腔の両側に無作為に割り当てられ、片側には味のついていないワックス付きのレギュラーフロス(オーラルB)が使用され、もう片側にはウォーターフロサー(ウォーターピック®コードレスプラスウォーターフロサー)が使用されました。訓練を受けた調査員が、味のついていないワックス付きの普通のフロスと水フロッサーのどちらかを割り当てられたとおりに使用しました。2群間の比較にはペアテストを用いた。
Materials and Methods: A randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted to compare the plaque removal efficacy of water flosser and regular floss. Eighty three subjects who met the inclusion criteria were recruited from dental clinic. Silness and Löe plaque index was measured for all the subjects prior to and after the intervention by an examiner who was blind to the type of aid used. The type of floss used was randomly assigned to each side of the oral cavity; unflavored waxed regular floss (oral B) used on one side, while a water flosser (Waterpik® Cordless Plus Water Flosser) was used on the other side. A trained investigator used either unflavored waxed regular floss or water flosser as assigned. Paired -test was used to compare between the two groups.
Results: The mean plaque scores at baseline were 1.10(±0.38) and 0.94(±0.38) respectively for regular floss and water flosser. The mean plaque scores were 0.12(±0.13) and 0.12(±0.15) respectively for regular floss and water flosser. There was no statistically significant difference in the plaque scores (p = 0.58) between the groups after the use of respective interdental aids. There was a statistically significant difference in the plaque scores before and after use of interdental aids for both the groups (p < 0.001). Reduction in plaque scores for regular floss and water flosser groups was 89.09% and 87.23% respectively.
この結果から、水フロッサーは、通常のフロスと同様に、1 回の使用で歯間のプラークを除去できることがわかった。水フロッサーは,手先の器用さに欠ける人や,ケアマネジャーによるプラークコントロールの改善,固定式補綴物を装着している人や歯科矯正治療中の人に推奨できる.
Conclusion: The results showed that water flosser was as efficient as regular floss in removing interdental plaque on single use. Water flosser could be recommended for subjects lacking manual dexterity, by care takers for better plaque control and subjects with fixed prostheses or undergoing orthodontic treatment.