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Effect of an Oral Frailty Measures Program on Community-Dwelling Elderly People: A Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial.

PMID: 34247160




INTRODUCTION: Oral frailty describes a trivial decline in the oral function and is considered to be related to frailty. Thus, effective management of oral frailty could prevent or ameliorate physical frailty and the need for care. However, there is a lack of consensus regarding specific interventions for oral frailty. In this cluster-randomized controlled trial, we investigated the effects of a newly developed oral frailty measures program mentored by dentists and dental hygienists for elderly people in a clinical setting.


実地調査に参加した3,296人のうち、定期的に歯科医院を受診しており、以下の6項目のうち3項目以上を満たす219人をオーラルフレイルティの対象者とした:天然歯が20本未満、咀嚼能力の低下、構音性口腔運動能力の低下、舌圧の低下、摂食・嚥下における自覚的な著しい困難。包括基準と除外基準を適用した後、介入群51例(男性14例、女性37例、平均年齢78.6歳)と対照群32例(男性7例、女性25例、平均年齢78.0歳)を調査した。介入群のみ12週間の経口虚弱対策プログラムを実施した。プログラムには、口腔準備運動、開口訓練、舌圧訓練、韻律訓練、咀嚼訓練が含まれた。主要評価項目は、咀嚼能力スコア、/ta/の構音性口腔運動技能、舌圧、硬いものを食べるときの主観的困難さ、嚥下の主観的困難さであった。連続変数とカテゴリー変数について、それぞれMann-Whitney U検定とχ2検定を用いてベースライン特性を比較した。独立介入変数の有効性を決定するために、Wilcoxon符号順位検定に続いて反復測定二元配置分散分析を用いた。群(介入/対照)と時間(ベースライン/12週目)を独立変数とした。経口虚弱度測定値を従属変数とした。

METHODS: Of 3,296 participants included in a field survey, 219 who regularly visited dental clinics and met at least 3 of the following 6 criteria for oral frailty were considered eligible: <20 natural teeth, decreased chewing ability, decreased articulatory oral-motor skills, decreased tongue pressure, and substantial subjective difficulties in eating and swallowing. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, we studied 51 patients in the intervention group (14 men and 37 women; mean age, 78.6 years) and 32 patients in the control group (7 men and 25 women; mean age, 78.0 years). We implemented a 12-week oral frailty measures program only for the intervention group. The program included preparatory oral exercises, mouth-opening training, tongue pressure training, prosodic training, and masticatory training. Primary outcome measures were the chewing ability score, articulatory oral motor skill for /ta/, tongue pressure, subjective difficulty in eating tough foods, and subjective difficulty in swallowing. We compared baseline characteristics using the Mann-Whitney U and χ2 tests for continuous and categorical variables, respectively. A repeated-measures two-way ANOVA was used to determine the efficacy of independent intervention variables, following the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The groups (intervention/control) and time (baseline/week 12) were the independent variables. Oral frailty measures were the dependent variables.


ベースラインの特徴および評価結果は群間で類似していた。介入群では/ta/と舌圧の調音性口腔運動技能の有意な改善が観察された(p < 0.001)。対照群では改善は認められなかった。

RESULTS: Baseline characteristics and assessment results were similar between groups. We observed significant improvements in the intervention group in terms of articulatory oral motor skill for /ta/ and tongue pressure (p < 0.001). No improvements were observed in the control group.



DISCUSSION/CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that our oral frailty measures program effectively alleviates oral frailty. Future studies are needed to clarify the impact on preventing physical frailty and improving the nutritional status.