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Int Endod J.2021 Oct;54(10):1738-1753.


Repair of teeth with cracks in crowns and roots: An observational clinical study.

PMID: 34291470




AIM: This retrospective observational study investigated the survival rate of teeth with radicular cracks that were restored using composite materials.


本研究は、Sistema Sanitario Nazionale倫理委員会(prot.N°2370CELazio1)、Clinicaltrials.gov identifier.NCT04430205により承認された:NCT04430205。1991年から2019年にかけて、放射状クラックを有する87歯(87例[男性46例、女性41例、平均年齢50.2歳])を接着性複合修復物で治療した。上顎後歯(大臼歯および小臼歯)に45本、下顎後歯に40本、前歯に2本のみ(いずれも上顎)のクラックが観察された。クラックの深さにより、破折線が歯髄底または根尖1/3に限定された近心根尖性クラック歯(PRCT)と、破折線が根管の中間および根尖1/3まで及んだ深遠根尖性クラック歯(DRCT)に分類された。骨欠損/回復は、1年後の経過観察時にX線写真で評価した。すべての患者は、同じ術者により手術用顕微鏡を用いて治療された。ロジスティック回帰分析を行い、抜歯の独立予測因子を決定した。PRCTおよびDRCTの解析にはKaplan-Meier生存曲線を用いた。

METHODOLOGY: The study was approved by the Ethical Committee of Sistema Sanitario Nazionale (prot. N°2370CELazio1), Clinicaltrials.gov identifier: NCT04430205. Between 1991 and 2019, 87 teeth with radicular cracks (87 patients [46 men, 41 women, mean age 50.2 years]) were treated with adhesive composite restorations. Forty-five cracks were observed in the maxillary posterior teeth (molars and premolars), 40 in the mandibular posterior teeth and only two cracks in the anterior teeth, both in maxilla. Based on the depth of the crack, teeth were categorized as proximal radicular cracked teeth (PRCT), in which the fracture line was restricted within the pulpal floor or the coronal one-third of the root and deep radicular cracked teeth (DRCT), in which the fracture line extended to the middle and apical thirds of the root canal up to the apex. Bone loss/recovery was evaluated radiographically at 1-year follow-up. All patients were treated using surgical microscopy by the same operator. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine independent predictors of extraction. Kaplan-Meier survival curves were used to analyse PRCT and DRCT.


87本の割れた歯のうち、66本が大臼歯、19本が小臼歯、2本が切歯であった。52例がDRCT、35例がPRCT、46例が歯周プロービング欠損であった。患者の追跡期間は平均66.9ヶ月(標準偏差44.6、最小1~最大172)であった。プロービングデプスの欠如は、抜歯に対する有意な予防因子(オッズ比[OR]0.027、95%信頼区間[CI]0.003-0.27、p<.05)であったが、さらなる骨喪失(OR 10.63、95%CI 2.08-54.36、p<.05)は抜歯の危険因子であった。接着プロトコールで治療した歯の50%以上が、5年後の追跡調査時に機能的であった(87歯中46歯[χ検定]、p<.05)。PRCT群では5年後の生存率は78%であったが、DRCT群では58%であった。

RESULTS: Among 87 cracked teeth, 66 were molars, 19 premolars and 2 incisors. Fifty-two were DRCT, 35 were PRCT, 46 had a periodontal probing defect. Patients were followed up for a mean of 66.9 months (standard deviation 44.6, min 1 to max 172). Lack of probing depth was a significant protective factor against extraction (odds ratio [OR] 0.027, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.003-0.27, p < .05), whereas further bone loss (OR 10.63, 95% CI 2.08-54.36, p < .05) was a risk factor for extraction. More than 50% of teeth treated with the adhesive protocol were functional (46 of 87 teeth [χ test], p < .05) at 5-year follow-up. Among the PRCT group, a 78% survival rate at 5 years was found, while among the DRCT group, a 58% survival rate was found.



CONCLUSION: Composite resin restorations resulted in tooth survival in >50% of patients; 85.4% of PRCT and 61.5% of DRCT were functional after 5 years of follow-up.