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Orthod Craniofac Res.2022 May;25(2):168-173.


Variations in maxillary second molar position of untreated subjects with normal occlusions: A long-term observational study.

PMID: 34310067




INTRODUCTION: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the long-term variations in maxillary second molar position in untreated subjects with normal occlusion.


University of Michigan Growth Study(UMGS)から選ばれた39名の被験者(女性18名、男性21名)を対象に、3つの観察時期においてデジタル歯列模型を用いて縦断的に追跡調査を行った:T1:上顎永久第二大臼歯が完全に萌出した時期、T2:縦断的シリーズで最後の観察が可能な時期(38名)、T3:T2から少なくとも20年後の時期(12名)である。

SETTING AND SAMPLE POPULATION: A sample of 39 subjects (18 females and 21 males) selected from the University of Michigan Growth Study (UMGS) was followed longitudinally with digital dental casts at 3 observation times: T1, when the maxillary permanent second molars were fully erupted, T2, last observation available in the longitudinal series (38 subjects), and T3, at least 20 years after T2 (12 subjects).



MATERIALS AND METHODS: Digital measurements were recorded with an open-source software. Outcome variables were sagittal and transverse inclinations of the upper second molars. Two mixed-effect models were performed.


上顎第二大臼歯はT1、T2、T3において遠位側傾斜を有していた。矢状傾斜および横傾斜は、T1からT3にかけて漸進的に有意な正立を示した(P<.001)。T1からT2にかけて、矢状歯冠傾斜の調整された差は8.0°(95%CI 6.5°から9.6°;P<.001)であった。T2からT3では、調整後の差は5.5°(95%CI:3.0°から8.1°;P<.001)であった。T1からT2にかけて、歯冠横傾斜の調整済み差は1.9°(95%CI:0.4°から3.5°;P=.011)であった。T2からT3では、調整後の差は6.0°(95%CI:3.4°から8.5°;P<.001)であった。

RESULTS: The maxillary second molars had a distolingual inclination at T1, T2 and T3. Sagittal and transverse inclination showed progressive significant uprighting from T1 through T3 (P < .001). From T1 to T2, the adjusted difference in sagittal crown inclination was 8.0° (95% CI from 6.5° to 9.6°; P < .001). From T2 to T3, the adjusted difference was 5.5° (95% CI from 3.0° to 8.1°; P < .001). From T1 to T2, the adjusted difference in transverse crown inclination was 1.9° (95% CI from 0.4° to 3.5°; P = .011). From T2 to T3, the adjusted difference was 6.0° (95% CI from 3.4° to 8.5°; P < .001).



CONCLUSIONS: Along with age, maxillary second molars showed a progressive significant uprighting with a decrease in the distal and lingual inclinations.