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Bull Tokyo Dent Coll.2021 Sep;62(3):151-161.


Three-Dimensional Analysis of Soft and Hard Tissue Changes following Orthognathic Surgery.

PMID: 34393141


顎矯正手術後の硬組織に対する軟組織の変化を評価した。この研究には25人の患者が登録された。診断はすべて顎変形症(上顎後退と下顎前突)で、Le Fort I骨切り術と両側矢状分割斜角骨切り術を受けた。上顎と下顎の硬組織と軟組織の3次元(3D)コンピューター支援設計(CAD)モデル(ポリゴンモデル)を作成し、重ね合わせた。術前と術後の硬組織と軟組織に基準点を設定した。各基準点の特定の要素をそれぞれX、Y、Z成分に分割し、各方向の距離と3次元距離(正常距離)を測定した。各要素の移動距離の平均値を術前と術後の誤差として、Wilcoxon符号順位検定を用いて差を求めた。その結果、上顎ではY方向、下顎ではX方向とZ方向に統計学的に有意な差が認められた。また、上顎と下顎の3次元距離にも有意差が認められた。上顎では、X方向とZ方向の硬組織と軟組織の移動量に直線性はほとんど認められなかった。つまり、上顎の3次元的な移動は、下顎よりも軟組織の形態変化によりマスクされ、あまり明らかではなかった。本研究の結果は、使用した3D解析法により、硬組織と軟組織の変化を定性的に把握することができ、顎矯正手術における診断と治療に使用できることを示唆している。また、軟組織の形態変化のシミュレーションにも有用であると考えられる。

Change in soft tissue in relation to that in hard tissue following orthognathic surgery was evaluated. Twenty-five patients were enrolled in the study. The diagnosis in all was jaw deformity (maxillary retrusion and mandibular protrusion) and all underwent a Le Fort I osteotomy and bilateral sagittal splitting ramus osteotomy. Three-dimensional (3D) computer-aided design (CAD) models (polygon models) of the hard and soft tissue of the maxilla and mandible were constructed and superimposed. Reference points were established on the pre- and postoperative hard and soft tissues. Specific elements of each reference point were divided into X, Y, and Z components, respectively, and the distances in each direction and 3D distance (normal distance) measured. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to determine differences in the mean values for the distance moved of each element as the error between pre- and postoperatively. The results revealed statistically significant differences in the Y-direction in the maxilla and the X- and Z-directions in the mandible. A significant difference was also observed in the 3D distances of the maxilla and mandible. Little evidence was found of linearity between the amount of hard and soft tissue movement in the X- and Z-directions in the maxilla. This means that 3D movement in the maxilla was masked more by changes in the morphology of the soft tissue than in the mandible, making it less evident. The results of this study suggest that the 3D analysis method used enables changes in hard and soft tissues to be understood qualitatively, and that it can be used in diagnosis and treatment in orthognathic surgery. It may also be useful in simulation of morphological change in soft tissue.