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J Int Soc Prev Community Dent.2021;11(4):397-401.


The Efficacy of Non-fluoridated Toothpastes on Artificial Enamel Caries in Primary Teeth: An Study.

PMID: 34430500




AIMS: The aim of this study was to evaluate the remineralizing effect among various non-fluoridated toothpastes on artificial caries in primary teeth.


50本の健全な乳切歯を自己硬化型アクリルレジンに埋入し、脱灰液に4日間浸漬して人工齲蝕を形成した。全歯を5群(10歯/群)に分けた:グループIは脱イオン水(コントロール)、グループIIは1000ppm F(コドモ)、グループIIIはグリセロリン酸カルシウムと乳酸カルシウムを含む非フッ素系歯磨剤(独歩)、グループIVはカゼインホスホペプチド-非晶質リン酸カルシウム(CPP-ACP)ペースト(GCトゥースムース)、グループVはナノハイドロキシアパタイト(NHA)を含む非フッ素系歯磨剤(アパガード)であった。試験片はpHサイクルを行い、歯磨き粉スラリーに7日間2回浸漬した。ベースライン、pHサイクル前、pHサイクル後の表面微小硬度(SMH)値をビッカース硬度計で測定し、SMH回復率(%SMHR)を算出した。データは一元配置分散分析および95%信頼区間でのTukeyの多重比較により分析した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Fifty sound primary incisor teeth were embedded in self-curing acrylic resin and immersed in demineralizing solution for 4 days forming artificial caries. All teeth were divided into five groups (10 teeth/group): Group I deionized water (control); Group II 1000 ppm F (Kodomo); Group III non-fluoridated toothpaste containing calcium glycerophosphate and calcium lactate (Dokbuaku); Group IV casein phosphopeptides-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) paste (GC Tooth Mousse), and Group V non-fluoridated toothpaste containing nanohydroxyapatite (NHA) (Apagard). The specimens were subjected to pH-cycling and immersed in toothpaste slurry twice for 7 days. Baseline, before, and after pH-cycling surface microhardness (SMH) values were measured by Vickers hardness numbers, and the percentage recovery of SMH (%SMHR) was calculated. Data were analyzed by one-way analysis of variance and Tukey's multiple comparison at 95% confidence intervals.


試験群のSMH値は対照群より有意に高かった(= 0.00)。SMHR%は対照群で-5.72±7.03%、II群はIII群より有意に高かったが、II群、IV群、V群の間には有意差はなかった(> 0.05)。

RESULTS: The SMH values of test groups were significantly higher than those of the control group ( = 0.00). The %SMHR was -5.72±7.03% in the control group, Group II was significantly higher than Group III but there were no significant differences among Groups II, IV, and V ( > 0.05).



CONCLUSION: Non-fluoridated toothpastes containing CPP-ACP or NHA for young children had efficacy in remineralizing effect on primary teeth comparable with 1000 ppm fluoridated toothpaste.