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Int J Comput Dent.2021 Sep;24(3):283-291.


Sources of error in maximum intercuspation from complete dentate full-arch intraoral scans in vitro.

PMID: 34553893




AIM: Recording maximum intercuspal position (ICP) is critical for many dental procedures. Digital ICP from intraoral scanners (IOSs) produces variable results. This study investigated the sources of error in recording ICP using an IOS and a recently reported method.


歯列模型一式をRexcan DS2スキャナーで3回スキャンした。各スキャンにおいて、10回の両側「咬合」スキャンを行った(n = 6 x 10 bite registrations)。最初の口腔内スキャンで3つのキーポイントが特定され、その後のすべてのスキャンに自動的に移植された。キーポイント法は、各スキャンから3つの検査室スキャンに戻す「二次」キーポイント移植を用いて検証し、一元配置分散分析を用いて各ポイントの位置を比較した。口腔内スキャンのフルアーチエラーは、すべての口腔内スキャンの臼歯間キーポイント距離を「ゴールドスタンダード」モデルスキャンと比較することで同定した。仮想咬合の精度は、クラス内相関を用いて、すべての口腔内スキャンのすべての上下キーポイントペア間の距離を比較することにより同定した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A set of dentate models was scanned three times in a Rexcan DS2 scanner. The models were then scanned six times with a Cerec Omnicam IOS. For each scan, 10 bilateral 'bite' scans were performed (n = 6 x 10 bite registrations). Three key points were identified on the first intraoral scan and automatically transplanted onto all subsequent scans. The key point method was validated by using a 'secondary' key point transplantation from each scan back to the three laboratory scans, where the location of each point was compared using one-way analysis of variance. Full-arch errors on the intraoral scans were identified by comparing the intermolar key point distances on all intraoral scans against the 'gold standard' model scans. Precision of the virtual occlusion was identified by comparing the distance between all upper-lower key point pairs for all intraoral scans using intraclass correlation.


自動キーポイントは、位置の標準偏差(SD)が0.003mm以下(上顎)、0.004mm以下(下顎)のアーチでモデルスキャンに移植された。口腔内スキャンの臼歯間幅の平均誤差は0.183(±0.061)mm(上顎)、0.017(±0.092)mm(下顎)であった。咬合間キーポイント離開は、群間で信頼性は低かったが、群内では良好な精度(SD < 0.022mm)を示した。

RESULTS: Automatic key points were transplanted to model scans with standard deviations (SDs) in location of ≤ 0.003 mm (upper [maxillary]) and ≤ 0.004 mm (lower [mandibular]) arch. The intermolar width of the intraoral scans had a mean error of 0.183 (± 0.061) mm (upper) and 0.017 (± 0.092) mm (lower) arch. Interocclusal key point separation showed poor reliability across groups, but good precision (SD < 0.022 mm) within groups.



CONCLUSION: Automatic key points allowed valid linear distance comparisons across repeated scans. Poor trueness and precision in the full-arch intraoral scans adversely affected interocclusal registrations. Bite scan precision had a less detrimental effect on interocclusal registration.