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Int J Environ Res Public Health.2021 Sep;18(18).


The Dental Aesthetic Index and Its Association with Dental Caries, Dental Plaque and Socio-Demographic Variables in Schoolchildren Aged 12 and 15 Years.

PMID: 34574666


不正咬合の有病率を把握し、う蝕経験、歯垢蓄積および社会人口統計学的変数との関連を評価するために、12歳および15歳の学童を対象に歯科審美指数(DAI)を測定した。層化2段階サンプリングデザインによる横断研究を行った。口腔保健調査および口腔診査を実施し、社会人口統計学的データを記録した。サンプルは、12歳(868人)と15歳(585人)の小学生1453人であった。この2つのサンプルは、統計的に有意な差が認められたため、別々に分析された:12歳の年齢層は、国営の公立学校に通い(= 0.004)、低い社会階級(= 0.001)に属する学童の頻度が高く、15歳の年齢層は、う蝕(= 0.001)のレベルが高く、歯垢(< 0.001)のレベルが低かった。不正咬合は9.5%高く(=0.001)、グローバル平均DAIスコアも同様に12歳群で高かった(<0.001)。多変量回帰分析では、う蝕と歯垢が不正咬合と最も強く関連する変数であっただけでなく、う蝕(OR = 1.5)と歯垢(OR > 2)も両群で不正咬合の危険因子であった。結論として、本研究では12歳時点での不正咬合と歯垢の有病率が高いことが明らかになった。う蝕および歯垢の高いリスクは、両年齢群において不正咬合の存在と関連していることが明らかになった。

The Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI) was determined in 12- and 15-year-old schoolchildren to ascertain the prevalence of malocclusion and to assess its association with dental caries experience, dental plaque accumulation, and socio-demographic variables. We performed a cross-sectional study with a stratified two-stage sampling design. An oral health survey and oral examination were conducted, and socio-demographic data were recorded. The sample comprised 1453 schoolchildren aged 12 (868) and 15 (585). These two samples were analyzed separately because statistically significant differences were found: the 12-year-old age group displayed a higher frequency of schoolchildren who attended state-run public schools ( = 0.004) and belonged to a lower social class ( = 0.001); the 15-year-old age group registered higher levels of caries ( = 0.001) and lower levels of dental plaque ( < 0.001). The malocclusion was 9.5% higher ( = 0.001), and the global mean DAI score was likewise higher among the 12-year-olds ( < 0.001). The multivariate regression analysis not only showed that caries and dental plaque were the variables that were the most strongly associated with malocclusion, but that caries (OR = 1.5) and dental plaque (OR > 2) were also risk factors for malocclusion in both groups. In conclusion, this study revealed a higher prevalence of malocclusion and dental plaque at age 12. A higher risk of caries and dental plaque was found to be related to the presence of malocclusion in both age groups.