Is the use of a potassium nitrate dentifrice effective in reducing tooth sensitivity related to in-office bleaching? A randomized triple-blind clinical trial.
PMID: 34617663
OBJECTIVE: The aims of this study were to evaluate whether the use of a dentifrice containing 5% potassium nitrate (KNO ) prior to and during in-office dental bleaching reduces bleaching-induced tooth sensitivity and affects bleaching efficiency.
38人を無作為に2群(n=19)に分けた。実験群では、治療の1週間前と漂白の1回目と2回目の前に、5%KNOを含む歯磨剤を用いて歯磨きを行った。対照群では、KNOを含まないプラセボ歯磨剤を第1群と同様に使用した。歯の知覚過敏は、視覚的アナログスケール(VAS)と数値評価スケール(NRS)で、ブリーチングセッションの直後と48時間後まで記録した。異なる時間間隔での色の変化は、ベースライン時、ブリーチング後7、15、30日目にシェードガイドユニット(△SGU)とデジタル分光光度計(△E CIELab 1976およびCIEDE2000)を用いて評価した。NRS尺度とVAS尺度のTS強度の評価にはそれぞれMann-Whitney検定とt検定を用い、色差の評価にはT検定を用いた。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-eight individuals were randomly distributed into two groups (n = 19). The experimental group performed toothbrushing using a dentifrice containing 5% KNO , one week before treatment and before the first and second bleaching sessions. In the control group, a placebo dentifrice without KNO was applied as described for the first group. Tooth sensitivity was recorded on visual analog scales (VAS) and numeric rating scales (NRS) immediately and up to 48 h after bleaching sessions. Color change at different time intervals, was evaluated with shade guide units (∆SGU) and a digital spectrophotometer (∆E CIELab 1976 and CIEDE2000) at baseline and 7, 15, and 30 days post-bleaching. Mann-Whitney test and t-test were used to evaluate TS intensity for NRS and VAS scales, respectively, and T-test was used for color difference evaluation.
RESULTS: No significant difference in tooth sensitivity's absolute risk and intensity were observed between tested groups in any evaluated treatment time for NRS (p = 0.91) or VAS scales (p = 0.48). T-test showed no significant difference in both ∆E and ∆SGU tooth color among the experimental and control groups during the different evaluation times (p = 0.27).
CONCLUSION: The use of a dentifrice containing 5% KNO does not prevent post-operatory tooth sensitivity but allows the same whitening efficiency as a regular dentifrice.
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The use of a dentifrice-containing KNO did not prevent bleaching-induced tooth sensitivity when high-concentrated hydrogen peroxide was used for in-office bleaching.