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Eur Arch Paediatr Dent.2022 Apr;23(2):199-222.


Evaluating pain, fear, anxiety or stress/distress using children's drawings in paediatric dentistry: a scoping review.

PMID: 34699048




PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to systematically review the literature to answer the question: Can children's drawings represent a helping tool so the dentist can better understand the children's pain, fear, anxiety or stress/distress and their perception concerning the dentist and/or dental treatment?


スコープ・レビューを行った。Cochrane Library、EMBASE、LILACS、LIVIVO、PsycINFO、PubMed、Scopus、Web of Science、および灰色文献を検索した。患者が小児および青年である横断的研究、準実験的研究、質的研究を対象とした。2名の著者が独立して研究を選択し、Joanna Briggs Instituteのツールを用いてデータを抽出し、方法論的質を評価した。収集したデータには、研究の特徴、描画評価/尺度、主な結果、結論が含まれる。

METHODS: A scoping review was done. Cochrane Library, EMBASE, LILACS, LIVIVO, PsycINFO, PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science, and Grey literature was searched. Cross-sectional, quasi-experimental and qualitative studies in which patients were children and adolescents were included. Two authors independently selected studies to extract data and evaluate methodological quality by using Joanna Briggs Institute tools. Data collected included: characteristics of the studies, drawing evaluation/scales, main results and conclusion.



RESULTS: Out of 1037 papers were identified in search, 25 studies verified the emotional state and the children's perceptions regarding dental environment and the dentist and were included in the narrative synthesis. The spontaneous drawings were useful to identify the children's emotions. Drawings might be considered a helping tool to identify children and adolescents' perception in relation to dental treatment. Few studies used validated instruments. There were methodological disparities among studies.


絵は、子どもの痛み、恐怖、不安、ストレス/ストレス、歯科医および/または歯科治療に関する知覚を特定するための有用なツールと考えられる。今後、絵の標準化された分析を行うことが推奨される。コード https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/U5BJH .「レトロスペクティブ登録

CONCLUSIONS: The drawings can be considered a useful tool in identifying children's pain, fear, anxiety or stress/distress and perceptions about the dentist and/or dental treatment. Future studies with standardized analysis of the drawings are recommended. Code https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/U5BJH . "Retrospectively registered".