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Cleft Palate Craniofac J.2022 Dec;59(12):1461-1468.


Tissue Augmenting Palatoplasty for the Treatment of Velopharyngeal Insufficiency.

PMID: 34787006




PURPOSE: Persistent velopharyngeal insufficiency (VPI) following primary palatoplasty remains a difficult problem to treat. This study evaluates speech outcomes following revision palatoplasty with tissue augmentation using buccal myomucosal flaps (BMF) as an alternative to pharyngoplasty for patients with VPI.



METHODS: A retrospective single-center review of revision palatoplasty with tissue augmentation at a tertiary pediatric hospital Cleft-Craniofacial Center between January 2017 and March 2021 was conducted. Patients with a history of previous palatoplasty, a diagnosis of persistent or recurrent VPI, and comprehensive pre- and postoperative speech evaluations who underwent revision palatoplasty with BMF were included.


20例が組み入れ基準を満たした(女性35%、症候性20%)。BMFによる口蓋形成術の再手術時の平均年齢は9.7歳であった。術前、全例が音声障害で、音声手術の推奨を受けていた。平均PWSS(Pittsburgh Weighted Speech Score)は14.3±4.9であった。術後の平均PWSSは4.2±2.3であり、術前のスコアから統計学的に有意に改善した(<.001)。平均追跡期間は8.9ヵ月であった。BMFを用いた口蓋形成術の再手術後、さらなる音声手術の推奨を受けた患者は1名のみであった。合併症は認められなかった。

RESULTS: Twenty patients met inclusion criteria (35% female, 20% syndromic). Mean age at the time of revision palatoplasty with BMF was 9.7 years. Preoperatively, all patients had stigmatizing speech and received the recommendation for speech surgery; the mean Pittsburgh Weighted Speech Score (PWSS) was 14.3 ± 4.9. The mean postoperative PWSS at the most recent assessment was 4.2 ± 2.3, representing a statistically significant improvement from preoperative scores (< .001). Mean follow-up time was 8.9 months. Following revision palatoplasty with BMF, only one patient has received the recommendation for further speech surgery. No complications were noted.



CONCLUSION: In patients with VPI following primary palatoplasty, revision palatoplasty with tissue augmentation offers an alternative to pharyngoplasty. This approach preserves dynamic velopharyngeal function, improves speech outcomes, and should be considered an option when treating patients with post-primary palatoplasty VPI.