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Korean J Orthod.2021 Nov;51(6):407-418.


Differences in the heritability of craniofacial skeletal and dental characteristics between twin pairs with skeletal Class I and II malocclusions.

PMID: 34803029




OBJECTIVE: To investigate differences in the heritability of skeletodental characteristics between twin pairs with skeletal Class I and Class II malocclusions.


40組の韓国人成人双生児ペアをクラスI(C-I)群(0°≦A点、鼻根点、B点の間の角度[ANB])≦4°;平均年齢40.7歳)とクラスII(C-II)群(ANB>4°;平均年齢43.0歳)に分けた。各群は14組の一卵性双生児と6組の二卵性双生児で構成された。33のセファロ変数が側方セファログラムを用いて測定され、前後、垂直、歯列、下顎、頭蓋底の特徴に分類された。遺伝率の算出にはACEモデルが用いられた(A > 0.7、高い遺伝率)。その後、主成分分析(PCA)を行った。

METHODS: Forty Korean adult twin pairs were divided into Class I (C-I) group (0° ≤ angle between point A, nasion, and point B [ANB]) ≤ 4°; mean age, 40.7 years) and Class II (C-II) group (ANB > 4°; mean age, 43.0 years). Each group comprised 14 monozygotic and 6 dizygotic twin pairs. Thirty-three cephalometric variables were measured using lateral cephalograms and were categorized as the anteroposterior, vertical, dental, mandible, and cranial base characteristics. The ACE model was used to calculate heritability (A > 0.7, high heritability). Thereafter, principal component analysis (PCA) was performed.



RESULTS: Twin pairs in C-I group exhibited high heritability values in the facial anteroposterior characteristics, inclination of the maxillary and mandibular incisors, mandibular body length, and cranial base angles. Twin pairs in C-II group showed high heritability values in vertical facial height, ramus height, effective mandibular length, and cranial base length. PCA extracted eight components with 88.3% in the C-I group and seven components with 91.0% cumulative explanation in the C-II group.



CONCLUSIONS: Differences in the heritability of skeletodental characteristics between twin pairs with skeletal Class I and II malocclusions might provide valuable information for growth prediction and treatment planning.