Effect of active application of self-etching ceramic primer on the long-term bond strength of different dental CAD/CAM materials.
PMID: 34824694
Background: The objective of this in vitro study was to evaluate the effect of the active application of self-etching ceramic primer (ME&P) on the bond strength of different dental CAD/CAM materials (Lithium Disilicate ceramic (LD), Leucite ceramic (LE), Zirconia reinforced lithium silicate ceramic (ZLS), and Hybrid ceramic (HC)) with thermocycling aging.
試料を無作為に16群(n=20)に分けた。デュアルレジンセメント円筒を作製し,10秒間光硬化(1.200 mW/cm2)させてせん断接着強さを測定した.3-way ANOVAにより,各因子は統計的に有意であった(< 0.05).
Material and Methods: The samples were randomly divided into 16 groups (n = 20). Dual resin cement cylinders were made and light cured for 10 s (1.200 mW/cm2) for the shear bond strength test. 3-way ANOVA revealed that the factors were statistically significant (< 0.05).
Results: The aging process had a negative impact on the bond strength for all groups except for Lithium Disilicate, with active application. ZLS and LE showed promising results with high bond strength values for the ME&P active application; however, after aging the bond strength value was significantly reduced. HC showed reduced bond strength values regardless the ME&P application.
Conclusions: In order to obtain a durable bond strength, the recommended protocol of 20 s of active application followed by 40 s of sitting time in the self-etching ceramic primer should be followed when using reinforced-glass ceramics as restorative materials. Dentistry, dental materials, silane, shear strength, computer-aided design.