5 歳未満の小児におけるう蝕予防のためのスクリーニングと介入。米国予防医療専門委員会のための更新されたエビデンスレポートと体系的レビュー
Screening and Interventions to Prevent Dental Caries in Children Younger Than 5 Years: Updated Evidence Report and Systematic Review for the US Preventive Services Task Force.
PMID: 34874413
2014 年に米国予防医療専門委員会(USPSTF)のために行われたレビューでは,フッ化物経口補給とフッ化物外用が 5 歳未満児のう蝕発生率の低下と関連していることが明らかにされた.
Importance: A 2014 review for the US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) found that oral fluoride supplementation and topical fluoride use were associated with reduced caries incidence in children younger than 5 years.
う蝕のスクリーニングと予防的介入に関する 2014 年のレビューを更新し,USPSTF に情報を提供すること。
Objective: To update the 2014 review on dental caries screening and preventive interventions to inform the USPSTF.
Ovid MEDLINE、Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials、Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews(2020年9月まで)、2021年7月23日までのサーベイランス。
Data Sources: Ovid MEDLINE, the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (to September 2020); surveillance through July 23, 2021.
Study Selection: Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) on screening, preventive interventions, referral to dental care; cohort studies on screening and referral; studies on diagnostic accuracy of primary care oral examination or risk assessment; and a systematic review on risk of fluorosis included in prior USPSTF reviews.
Data Extraction and Synthesis: One investigator abstracted data; a second checked accuracy. Two investigators independently rated study quality.
32の研究(19の試験、9の観察研究、および4の非ランダム化臨床介入研究[合計106694人]、および1の系統的レビュー[19の研究])が含まれた。プライマリーケアでのスクリーニングが臨床転帰に及ぼす影響を評価した研究はなかった。1 つの研究(n=258)では,プライマリケアでの小児科医の診察は,う蝕のある子どもの特定に感度 0.76(95% CI, 0.55~0.91) および特異度 0.95(95% CI, 0.92~0.98) と関連があり,1 つの研究ではリスク評価ツールは,将来う蝕になる子どもに対して感度 0.53 および特異度 0.77(n=697, CI未報告) と関連があるとされた.食事性フッ化物添加に関する新たな臨床試験は確認されなかった.予防に関しては,フッ化物塗布は,プラセボまたはフッ化物塗布なしと比較して,齲蝕負荷の減少と関連した(13 試験,n=5733;平均齲蝕増分(虫歯,欠損,充填歯または表面の差),-0.94 [95% CI, -1.74 to -0.34]) と罹患齲蝕の可能性 (12 trials, n=8177; RR, 0.80 [95% CI, 0.66 to 0.95]; absolute risk difference, -7%) は,高リスク集団または環境において増加し,フッ素症リスクはなかった.他の予防的介入に関するエビデンスは限られており(教育、キシリトール)、または利用できない(フッ化ジアミン銀)、プライマリーケア歯科の紹介と紹介なしを直接評価した研究はない。
Results: Thirty-two studies (19 trials, 9 observational studies, and 4 nonrandomized clinical intervention studies [total 106 694 participants] and 1 systematic review [19 studies]) were included. No study evaluated effects of primary care screening on clinical outcomes. One study (n = 258) found primary care pediatrician examination associated with a sensitivity of 0.76 (95% CI, 0.55 to 0.91) and specificity of 0.95 (95% CI, 0.92 to 0.98) for identifying a child with cavities, and 1 study found a risk assessment tool associated with sensitivity of 0.53 and specificity of 0.77 (n = 697, CIs not reported) for a child with future caries. No new trials of dietary fluoride supplementation were identified. For prevention, topical fluoride compared with placebo or no topical fluoride was associated with decreased caries burden (13 trials, n = 5733; mean caries increment [difference in decayed, missing, and filled teeth or surfaces], -0.94 [95% CI, -1.74 to -0.34]) and likelihood of incident caries (12 trials, n = 8177; RR, 0.80 [95% CI, 0.66 to 0.95]; absolute risk difference, -7%) in higher-risk populations or settings, with no increased fluorosis risk. Evidence on other preventive interventions was limited (education, xylitol) or unavailable (silver diamine fluoride), and no study directly evaluated primary care dentistry referral vs no referral.
Conclusions and Relevance: There was no direct evidence on benefits and harms of primary care oral health screening or referral to dentist. Dietary fluoride supplementation and fluoride varnish were associated with improved caries outcomes in higher-risk children and settings.