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Saudi Dent J.2021 Dec;33(8):923-928.

Benex system IIを用いた無痛性軸性抜歯と従来の抜歯の比較による抜歯後の治癒の評価。無作為化比較試験

Evaluation of post-extraction healing after atraumatic axial tooth extraction using Benex system II versus conventional extraction: Randomized control trial.

PMID: 34916765




Background and Purpose: Tooth extraction is critical for dental treatment complications. One of the most discussed topics is socket healing after extraction. The Benex system allows extraction without causing unnecessary socket expansion by removing the tooth vertically, preserving both bone and soft tissue.


Umm Al-Qura大学の患者を対象に、Benex抜歯システムを用いて、術後の治癒兆候、症状、合併症を評価し、従来の抜歯と比較する。

Aim: To assess postoperative healing signs, symptoms, and complications using the Benex extraction system and compare it with conventional extraction among patients at Umm Al-Qura University.



Methods: Thirty-eight patients with hopeless single-rooted teeth were included. They were divided into two equal groups: one in which teeth were extracted using the conventional method and one in which extractions were performed by Benex. The Benex system for tooth extraction was performed by drilling into the root canal, followed by screw insertion. Once the extractor was properly positioned, extraction was accomplished by turning the hand screw clockwise. At baseline, the wound size was evaluated. On days 1, 3, and 7 after extraction, telephone interviews were conducted to evaluate pain and post-extraction complications using a pain scale and questionnaire. Socket healing and wound size were evaluated after 2 and 4 weeks of extraction using the healing index and HO epithelization test.



Results: The Benex extraction system accelerated early soft-tissue healing and decreased pain and wound size compared with the control group. Conclusion. The Benex system is relatively safe and easy to use, but this does not eliminate the need for a degree of education and training. Proper selection of the case, knowledge of using the device, and implementation of that knowledge in the treatment planning are important factors in ensuring success with this system.