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J Endod.2022 Feb;48(2):179-189.


Efficacy of 6% Sodium Hypochlorite on Infectious Content of Teeth with Symptomatic Irreversible Pulpitis.

PMID: 34921849




INTRODUCTION: The objective of this study was to monitor the effects of chemomechanical preparation (CMP) performed with 6% sodium hypochlorite and calcium hydroxide-based intracanal medication (ICM) on the levels and diversity of bacteria, endotoxins (lipopolysaccharides [LPS]), and lipoteichoic acid (LTA) in root canals of teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis.


CMP前(S1)、CMP後(S2)、ICM後(S3)に、症候性不可逆性歯髄炎の歯10本からサンプルを採取した。細菌、LPS、LTAの濃度は、それぞれチェッカーボードDNA-DNAハイブリダイゼーション、LALパイロジェント5000、酵素結合免疫吸着法を用いて評価した。統計解析にはWilcoxon検定、反復測定分散分析、Tukey post hoc検定を用い、有意水準は5%とした。

METHODS: Samples were collected from 10 teeth with symptomatic irreversible pulpitis before CMP (S1), after CMP (S2), and after ICM (S3). The levels of bacteria, LPS, and LTA were assessed by using checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridization, LAL Pyrogent 5000, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, respectively. Wilcoxon test, repeated-measures analysis of variance, and Tukey post hoc test were used for statistical analysis at a significance level of 5%.



RESULTS: Forty species were detected at S1. Two species were eliminated after CMP and 5 after ICM. Resistant and pain-related species were detected in the root canals. Higher levels of culturable bacteria were detected at S1. However, CMP and ICM effectively reduced the microbial load in the root canals. Higher levels of LPS and LTA were detected at S1. CMP was effective in reducing both LPS and LTA (P < .05). ICM produced additional reduction in the levels of LPS (P > .05) and LTA (P < .05).



CONCLUSIONS: Chemomechanical preparation using 6% sodium hypochlorite and calcium hydroxide-based intracanal medication were effective in reducing the levels of bacteria, LPS, and LTA in teeth with vital pulp and irreversibly inflamed pulp.