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Eur Arch Paediatr Dent.2022 Oct;23(5):695-725.


Contemporary management of deep caries in primary teeth: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

PMID: 34981447



重要な乳歯の深在性う蝕の現代的管理に関する利用可能なエビデンスを系統的に評価すること。このレビューは、小児歯科における乳歯の深在性う蝕管理に関するEuropean Academy of Paediatric Dentistry(EAPD)のガイドライン作成を促進するために実施された。

PURPOSE: To systematically evaluate the available evidence regarding contemporary management of deep caries in vital primary teeth. This review was carried out to facilitate the development of European Academy of Paediatric Dentistry (EAPD) guidelines on deep caries management of primary teeth in paediatric dentistry.


重要な乳歯の深在性う蝕の治療に使用される介入および薬剤について報告する研究を検索するため、系統的な電子文献検索を実施した。そのため、Cochrane Library(1992年から2020年12月6日まで)、MEDLINE(PubMed、1946年から2020年12月第1週まで)、Ovid MEDLINE(In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations、2020年12月6日まで)、EMBASE(Embase.com、1974年から2020年12月6日まで)およびLILACS(1982年から2020年12月6日まで)にアクセスした。含まれる論文の参考文献リスト、ハンドブック、灰色文献検索も手作業で行った。研究のスクリーニングは重複して行い、研究の組み入れについては全著者の合意を得た。データ抽出、方法論的質およびバイアスのリスク評価は、組み入れられた各研究について重複して行われた。各介入の全体的な成功率と介入内の医薬品が報告された。同種の集団における同様の介入と同等の転帰を報告した質の高い研究については、メタアナリシスも実施した。

METHODS: A systematic electronic literature search was conducted to locate studies reporting on interventions and medicaments used for the treatment of deep caries in vital primary teeth. To facilitate this, the Cochrane Library (1992 to up to December 6th, 2020), MEDLINE (PubMed, 1946 to December Week 1, 2020), Ovid MEDLINE (In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations, December 6th, 2020); EMBASE (Embase.com, 1974 to December 6th, 2020) and LILACS (1982 to December 6th, 2020) were accessed. Hand search of reference lists of included articles, as well as handbooks and grey literature search was also performed. Study screening was done in duplicate and study inclusions were agreed upon by all authors. Data extraction, and methodological quality and risk of bias assessment were carried out in duplicate for each of the included studies. Overall success rate of each intervention and medicament within the intervention was reported. Meta-analysis was also performed for high-quality studies reporting similar interventions and comparable outcomes in homogeneous population.



RESULTS: A total of 1332 papers were identified. Following the primary and secondary assessment process, 36 papers were included in the review. Of these, 8 papers were deemed to represent 4 individual studies, leaving a total of 32 unique studies eventually included in the final analysis. These studies were further categorized into three main vital pulp treatment methods for analysis: indirect pulp capping (IPC), direct pulp capping (DPC), and pulpotomy (PP). Overall, IPC, DPC and PP interventions have high success rates with the reported clinical success rates higher than radiographic success rates. Medicaments used for IPC and DPC have similar success rates. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA), ferric sulfate (FS) and formocresol (FC) PP showed similar success rates, and which were all higher than calcium hydroxide (CH). Majority of included studies (n = 22; 63%) were rated low in terms of their potential risk of bias, 6 studies were rated high (17%), and 7 studies were of unclear risk (20%).



CONCLUSION: Within the limitations of the studies included, IPC, DPC, and PP can be recommended as effective treatment modalities for primary teeth with deep caries under specific conditions.