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J Endod.2022 Apr;48(4):535-541.


Effect of Citric Acid Versus EDTA on Radiographic Root Development in Regenerative Endodontic Treatment: An Animal Study.

PMID: 35026229




INTRODUCTION: Regenerative endodontic treatment was introduced with the aim of reinforcing the root and enabling further root development. In the process of dentin mineralization, bioactive molecules are entrapped in the dentin matrix, which can be released later by rinsing the dentin with chelating agents. This study aimed to compare the effects of citric acid and EDTA on radiographic root development in regenerative endodontic treatment in an animal model.


本研究では3頭のビーグル犬の前臼歯を使用した。顎の片側の歯は、米国歯内療法医学会の再生プロトコールに従ってEDTAで灌流した。もう一方の歯は、2回目の治療時にクエン酸で灌流した。6ヵ月後にフォローアップのX線写真を撮影し、SPSS Version 23(IBM Corp, Armonk, NY)で共分散分析を用いて主要データと最終データを分析した。

METHODS: Premolars of 3 beagle dogs were used in this study. The teeth at 1 side of the jaw were irrigated with EDTA according to the regeneration protocol of the American Association of Endodontists. The teeth in the other quadrant were irrigated with citric acid in the second treatment session. Follow-up radiographs were obtained at 6 months, and the primary and final data were analyzed in SPSS Version 23 (IBM Corp, Armonk, NY) using the analysis of covariance.


根の長さの増加に関しては、2つの潅注液間に有意差はなかった(P = 0.668)。しかし、EDTAはクエン酸と比較して、根の象牙質の厚みを増加させることにおいて有意に優れた有効性を示した(P = 0.022)。

RESULTS: There was no significant difference between the 2 irrigating solutions regarding the increase in root length (P = .668); however, EDTA showed significantly superior efficacy in increasing the root dentin thickness compared with citric acid (P = .022).



CONCLUSIONS: Within the limitations of this study, the use of citric acid versus EDTA was not superior on radiographic root development in regenerative endodontic treatment.