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Anticancer Res.2022 02;42(2):1175-1180.


Stratified Mucin-producing Intraepithelial Lesions of the Cervix: Clinical Diversity of Cases and Literature Review.

PMID: 35093923



本報告では,子宮頸部の非浸潤性および浸潤性SMILE(以下,SMILE)病変に関する現在の文献を,数例の病態とそれに関連する臨床的多様性に焦点をあてて論じる。現在、(i)SMILEに関する知識は、単一症例報告やシリーズに限られています。そのため,管理に関するコンセンサスガイドラインは欠如している。免疫組織化学的解析では高悪性度扁平上皮内病変(HSIL)やadenocarcinoma in situ(AIS)と重複するが、SMILEはAISと同様に扱い、切除断端がSMILE陽性の場合はさらなる切除が必要であるとされている。(SMILEは,子宮頸部腺癌のまれなサブタイプであると考え,そのように扱うべきである。

BACKGROUND: This report discusses the current literature on both non-invasive and invasive SMILE ((i)SMILE) lesions of the cervix with focus on the pathology and its related clinical diversity in several cases. Currently, the knowledge on (i)SMILE is limited to single case reports and series. As a consequence, consensus guidelines regarding the management are lacking. Although there is overlap with both high grade squamous intra-epithelial lesion (HSIL) and adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) on immunohistochemical analyses, it is recommended to treat SMILE like AIS and further excision is needed when surgical margins are positive for SMILE on conization. (i)SMILE, should be considered as a rare subtype of adenocarcinoma of the cervix, and should be treated as such.


SMILE病変で円錐切除後にロボット子宮全摘術を施行した1例と、iSMILの2例:早期FIGO-stage 1B1のiSMILE腫瘍でセンチネル手術を伴うロボット子宮根治術を施行した1例、ロボット支援骨盤・傍大動脈リンパ節転移郭清で転移を確認した3C2(化学放射線治療が主)の1例について報告する。

CASE REPORT: We describe a case with a SMILE lesion undergoing a subsequent robotic hysterectomy after conization and two cases with iSMILE: one case with an early FIGO-stage 1B1 iSMILE tumor, undergoing a robotic radical hysterectomy with sentinel procedure, and one case undergoing a robotic-assisted pelvic/para-aortic lymph node staging dissection, confirming a metastatic FIGO-stage 3C2 (for primary chemo-radiotherapy treatment).



CONCLUSION: Here, we report for the first time a few cases of (i)SMILE with different clinical presentations, their management and follow-up. Immunohistochemical characteristics are given for both primary lesions as well as the metastases.