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J Contemp Dent Pract.2021 Oct;22(10):1150-1159.


Effect of 125-150 Hz Vibrational Frequency Electric Toothbrush on Teeth and Supporting Structures: A Finite Element Method Study.

PMID: 35197383




AIM AND OBJECTIVE: The aim of this finite element method (FEM) study was to assess the safety of 125-150 Hz vibrational frequency electric toothbrush on teeth and associated structures.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: A three-dimensional (3D) geometric model of entire skull having maxilla, mandible, and their dentitions was created using a computed tomography (CT) image of a healthy male patient. Linear static analysis was carried out by applying 15 g of force on anterior part of maxilla and mandible from labial and lingual sides each to calculate the primary displacement (sagittal, vertical, and transversal) and principal stress levels generated on the maxillary and mandibular dentition, on the maxilla and mandible and on the whole skull.



RESULTS: A force of 15 g applied to maxillary anterior teeth from labial side caused a mean deflection of 0.003 mm and stress of 0.004 MPa on the teeth and supporting structures. A force of 15 g applied to maxillary anterior teeth from palatal side caused a mean deflection of 0.017 mm and stress of 0.017 MPa on the teeth and supporting structures. A force of 15 g applied to mandibular anterior teeth from labial side caused a mean deflection of 0.078 mm and stress of 0.051 MPa on the teeth and supporting structures. A force of 15 g applied to mandibular anterior teeth from lingual side caused a mean deflection of 0.077 mm and stress of 0.051 MPa on the teeth and supporting structures.



CONCLUSION: For the applied loads and boundary conditions, very small or negligible amount of stresses were observed in maxilla, mandible, and their dentitions. The vibrational frequency of 150 Hz producing 15 g of force did not produce any harmful effects on maxilla, mandible, and their dentitions. Hence, 125-150 Hz of vibrational frequency can be considered optimum.


125~150 Hzの振動を用いた電動歯ブラシは、歯および関連構造に無視できる程度の応力を発生させる。

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: An electric toothbrush using the vibration of 125-150 Hz produces negligible stress on teeth and associated structures.