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J Endod.2022 Jun;48(6):781-786.


Retrievability of Calcium Silicate-based Root Canal Sealers During Retreatment: An Ex Vivo Study.

PMID: 35219747




INTRODUCTION: The retrievability of calcium silicate-based sealers (CSSs) during nonsurgical retreatment has been equivocal. This study compared the retrievability of 3 different CSSs using 1 of 3 different solutions or no solution.


直管を有する抜去歯130本を、標準化された根の長さに装飾した。管腔は35/.04にインスツルメンテーションされ、3つのグループ(BC: EndoSequence BC sealer; EBC: EdgeBioceramic; NEO: NeoSEALERFlo)に分けられ、各グループはさらに4つのサブグループ(6%次亜塩素酸ナトリウム; 5%酢酸; 炭酸水; 溶液なし)に分けられた。シーラー埋入後、各マスターガッタパーチャコーンを作業長(WL)より2mm短く意図的に埋入し、先端2mmがシーラーのみで満たされるようにした。37℃、湿度100%で21日間保存した後、先端開存が得られるまで再治療を行った。術者は使用したCSSと溶液について盲検化された。データは分散分析を用いて分析し、歯根端開存率と模擬チェアタイムを比較した。

METHODS: A total of 130 extracted teeth with a straight canal were decoronated to a standardized root length. The canals were instrumented to 35/.04 and divided into 3 groups (BC: EndoSequence BC sealer; EBC: EdgeBioceramic; NEO: NeoSEALERFlo), and each group was further divided into 4 subgroups (6% sodium hypochlorite; 5% acetic acid; carbonated water; no solution). After sealer placement, each master gutta-percha cone was placed intentionally 2 mm short of the working length (WL) to ensure the apical 2 mm was filled only with sealer. After storage for 21 days at 37°C and 100% humidity, retreatment was performed until apical patency was obtained. The operator was blinded to the CSS and solution used. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance to compare apical patency rates and the mock chair-times.


BC、EBC、NEOの全成功率はそれぞれ63.64%、69.77%、100%であった。NEOの歯根端開存率はBCおよびEBCよりも有意に高かった。NEOのチェアタイムはBC(P < 0.05)およびEBCシーラー(P < 0.001)より有意に短かった。BCシーラー群とEBCシーラー群では、チェアタイムに有意差はなかった。

RESULTS: Overall success rates for apical patency in BC, EBC, and NEO were 63.64%, 69.77%, and 100%, respectively. There was significantly higher apical patency rate in NEO than BC and EBC. The chair-time for NEO was significantly shorter than BC (P < .05) and EBC sealer (P < .001). There was no significant difference in the chair-time between BC and EBC sealer groups.



CONCLUSION: BC, EBC, and NEO sealers in a straight canal were consistently retrievable when no solution was used. Compared with no solution, the retrievability of BC, EBC, and NEO decreased when solutions were used.