Effect of a School-based Fluoride Mouth-rinsing Programme on Dental Caries.
PMID: 35279329
AIMS: The objective of this study was to evaluate the posttreatment effects of a school-based fluoride mouth-rinsing programme (FMR) on the prevalence of dental caries.
20 歳から 25 歳の新入生で FMR に参加していない学生 364 名と,過去に FMR に参加したことのある学生 187 名を対象とした.性別,年齢,FMR への参加状況,歯科保健行動に従って,永久歯のう蝕有病率および平均虫歯面・欠損面・充填面(DMFS)を算出した.多変量ロジスティック回帰モデルを用いて,二値変数(う蝕の有無)と人口統計学的データ,FMR への参加,歯の健康行動との関連を分析した.
METHODS: We included 364 newly enrolled university students aged 20 to 25 years who were not in any FMR and 187 students who had previously participated in such programmes. We calculated the prevalence of dental caries in permanent teeth and the mean decayed, missing, and filled surfaces (DMFS) according to sex, age, participation in FMR, and dental health behaviours. A multivariate logistic regression model was used to analyse the association between dichotomous variables (caries present or absent) and demographic data, participation in FMR, and dental health behaviours.
FMR 参加者(51.3%)と非参加者(64.5%)の永久歯う蝕有病率の差は統計学的に有意であった。また,少なくとも小学生時代にFMRに参加した被験者では,DMFSが39.6%少なかった。多変量ロジスティック回帰モデル解析の結果,少なくとも小学校時代にFMRに参加した被験者は,参加しなかった被験者と比較して,う蝕から保護されていることが明らかになった.年齢と性別は,成人のう蝕のリスク予測因子であったが,その他の変数は,う蝕とは関連していなかった.
RESULTS: The difference in the prevalence of dental caries in permanent teeth between the subjects who participated in the FMR (51.3%) and those who did not (64.5%) was statistically significant. There were 39.6% fewer DMFS in the subjects who participated in the FMR at least during elementary school. The multivariate logistic regression model analysis demonstrated that subjects who participated in the FMR at least during elementary school were protected against dental caries as compared to those who did not. Age and sex were risk predictors of dental caries in adults, whilst other variables were not associated with dental caries.
少なくとも小学生時代に FMR に参加することは,永久歯のう蝕の有病率減少の予測因子である.
CONCLUSIONS: Participation in an FMR at least during elementary school is a predictor for the reduction in the prevalence of dental caries in permanent teeth.