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Int J Oral Sci.2022 Mar;14(1):16.


Indigenous microbiota protects development of medication-related osteonecrosis induced by periapical disease in mice.

PMID: 35307731


ビスフォスフォネート(BP)などの抗骨吸収剤の長期・大量使用により薬剤性顎骨壊死(MRONJ)を発症する患者において、細菌感染は一般的な所見である。 しかし、MRONJの発症における細菌の病理学的役割については、初期段階において議論がある。我々は、歯髄露出性歯根膜炎モデルマウスにおいて、常在細菌叢がMRONJの発生を予防することを証明した。C57/BL6雌性マウスに、広域抗生物質を1週間胃内投与した。ゾレドロン酸(ZOL)の静脈内注射と抗生物質の飲料水投与は実験期間中行った。左側上顎第一大臼歯の歯髄を露出させ、マウスを5週間放置した後、両側上顎第一大臼歯を抜歯し、さらに3週間放置して治癒させた。すべてのマウスを摘出し、盲腸、上顎骨、大腿骨を採取した。ONJの発生は、μCTおよび組織学的解析を用いて評価した。マウスに抗生物質を投与した場合、これらのマウスの体重に変化はなかったが、対照群(CTLマウス)と比較して有意に盲腸が拡大した。抜歯前の歯根周囲骨吸収は、抗生物質投与により同様に抑制され、破骨細胞の減少と炎症により確認された。歯髄露出を伴うZOL処置は、空腔と壊死骨量から判断される骨壊死を有意に増加させた。さらに、抗生物質の投与は、破骨細胞数を増加させ、骨壊死をさらに悪化させた。これらの知見は、常在細菌叢がMRONJ発症の初期段階において、病理的な役割よりもむしろ保護的な役割を果たしている可能性を示唆している。

Bacterial infection is a common finding in patients, who develop medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw (MRONJ) by the long-term and/or high-dose use of anti-resorptive agents such as bisphosphonate (BPs). However, pathological role of bacteria in MRONJ development at the early stage remains controversial. Here, we demonstrated that commensal microbiota protects against MRONJ development in the pulp-exposed periapical periodontitis mouse model. C57/BL6 female mice were treated with intragastric broad-spectrum antibiotics for 1 week. Zoledronic acid (ZOL) through intravenous injection and antibiotics in drinking water were administered for throughout the experiment. Pulp was exposed on the left maxillary first molar, then the mice were left for 5 weeks after which bilateral maxillary first molar was extracted and mice were left for additional 3 weeks to heal. All mice were harvested, and cecum, maxilla, and femurs were collected. ONJ development was assessed using μCT and histologic analyses. When antibiotic was treated in mice, these mice had no weight changes, but developed significantly enlarged ceca compared to the control group (CTL mice). Periapical bone resorption prior to the tooth extraction was similarly prevented when treated with antibiotics, which was confirmed by decreased osteoclasts and inflammation. ZOL treatment with pulp exposure significantly increased bone necrosis as determined by empty lacunae and necrotic bone amount. Furthermore, antibiotics treatment could further exacerbate bone necrosis, with increased osteoclast number. Our findings suggest that the commensal microbiome may play protective role, rather than pathological role, in the early stages of MRONJ development.