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Am J Mens Health.2022 Mar-Apr;16(2):15579883221084798.


Association Between Chronic Periodontal Disease and Erectile Dysfunction: A Case-Control Study.

PMID: 35319301


勃起不全(ED)と慢性歯周病(CPD)は相互に危険因子を共有しており,若年成人において勃起不全の発生率が増加している.しかし、CPD と ED の関係については、臨床的なエビデンスに一貫性がないため、いまだ不明な点が多い。本研究では,CPITN(Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Need)とIIEF(International Index of Erectile Function)を用いて,CPDとEDの関係をさらに評価することを目的とした.対象は成人男性202名で、症例群にED患者100名、対照群に定期的な歯科検診を受けているEDでない102名が含まれる。EDの重症度はIIEF質問票により、CPDは地域歯周病指数(CPI)スコアにより評価した。歯周病評価は,校正された1人の検診者によって行われた.CPDとEDの関連については,ロジスティック回帰分析を行った.年齢,喫煙状況,歯磨き時間,教育水準,月収,歯磨き頻度,歯肉出血を調整した結果,CPIスコアが高いほどEDのリスクが高いことが確認され(オッズ比[OR]=2.755,95%信頼区間[CI]=[1.400, 5.423],=0.003),CPD と ED の確率は正の相関があることが示唆された.CPDは、EDの進行に伴い、より深刻になっていた(< 0.05)。EDの男性は、口腔と歯周の健康を維持するために、定期的な歯科検診と適切な予防歯科処置を受けるよう奨励される可能性がある。

Erectile dysfunction (ED) and chronic periodontal disease (CPD) share mutual risk factors, and the incidence of ED is increasing among young adults. The relation of CPD and ED remains obscure due to inconsistent clinical evidence. This study aimed to further assess the relationship between CPD and ED using the Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Need (CPITN) and the International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF). Totally, 202 adult men were included, with 100 subjects with ED in the case group and 102 subjects without ED undergoing routine dental examinations in the control group. The IIEF questionnaire was used to assess the severity of ED, and CPD was assessed through the Community Periodontal Index (CPI) score. Periodontal assessments were performed by one single calibrated examiner. Logistic regression analysis was performed for the association between CPD and ED. After adjustment for age, smoking status, tooth brushing time, education level, monthly income, tooth brushing frequency, and gum bleeding, higher CPI score was identified to be associated with a greater risk of ED (odds ratio [OR] = 2.755, 95% confidence interval [CI] = [1.400, 5.423], = .003), suggesting that CPD was positively associated with the odds of ED. CPD was getting more severe with the progress of ED ( < .05). Men with ED could be encouraged to receive routine dental examinations and appropriate preventive dental measures to maintain oral and periodontal health.