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Tissue Eng Regen Med.2022 Jun;19(3):463-475.


Regenerative Potential of Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) in Socket Preservation in Comparison with Conventional Treatment Modalities: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

PMID: 35334092




BACKGROUND: Platelet rich fibrin (PRF) has shown great potential in osteogenesis; however, some studies still question utilizing it as a grafting material. Thus, the aim of this review is to evaluate the effect of PRF when used in socket and ridge preservation procedures.


2021年7月までに、MEDLINE、EMBASE、Cochrane、Science Citation Index Expandedデータベースの電子検索、および未発表データ、学術論文、学術雑誌の手動検索を実施した。結果は、抜歯後の骨の幅、高さ、密度を維持する移植材としてのPRFの能力を評価することであった。

METHODS: Electronic searches through MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane, Science Citation Index Expanded databases and manual searches of unpublished data, academic theses, and journals were conducted up until July 2021. The outcomes were to assess the ability of PRF as a graft material to preserve bone width, height, and density after tooth extraction.



RESULTS: Twelve studies were included in the review, using PRF showed significant results in all three outcomes when compared to no grafting at all, however when compared to other commonly used grafting materials it showed a lesser effect. On the other hand, most studies included reported mixing PRF with a graft material showed the best result. The meta-analysis also revealed the significant results in using PRF on the three outcomes.


対象研究のメタアナリシスにより、PRF単独または他のグラフト材料との併用による ソケット温存手術におけるPRFの有益な効果が証明されたが、この知見をさらに確認するためには、 適切なサンプルサイズを有する、さらなる個別の多施設ランダム化比較研究が必要である。

CONCLUSION: The meta-analysis of the studies included proved the beneficial effect of PRF in socket preservation surgeries alone or in combination with other graft materials, but further individual multi-centre randomized controlled studies with appropriate sample size are still needed to further confirm our findings.