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J Esthet Restor Dent.2022 Oct;34(7):1005-1014.


A randomized, controlled clinical evaluation of two resin cement systems in the adhesion of CAD/CAM-fabricated resin nanoceramic restorations: 18-month preliminary results.

PMID: 35388956




OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this clinical study was to evaluate the performance of two different adhesive resin cement systems in the cementation of inlay/onlay restorations produced from resin nanoceramic blocks using the CAD/CAM system.


CEREC Omnicam (Sirona Dental, Bensheim, Germany)を用いてCerasmart (GC, Tokyo, Japan)レジンナノセラミックブロックから作製したインレー/オンレー修復物70本を53人の患者に装着した。修復物は、選択的エナメルエッチング後、RelyX U200 Automix(3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany)自己接着性レジンセメント(RXU)、またはG-CEM LinkForce(GC, Tokyo, Japan)接着性レジンセメント(GCL)とユニバーサル接着剤(G-Premio Bond)の組み合わせで選択的エッチングモードでセメント接着した。ベースライン時および6ヵ月後、12ヵ月後、18ヵ月後に、修正USPHS基準に従って、2名の校正された臨床医が修復物を診査した。データはカイ二乗(χ )検定とフリードマン検定(p<0.05)を用いて分析した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 70 inlay/onlay restorations made from Cerasmart (GC, Tokyo, Japan) resin nanoceramic blocks using CEREC Omnicam (Sirona Dental, Bensheim, Germany) were placed in 53 patients. The restorations were cemented with RelyX U200 Automix (3M ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) self-adhesive resin cement (RXU) after selective enamel etching or with G-CEM LinkForce (GC, Tokyo, Japan) adhesive resin cement (GCL) in combination with a universal adhesive (G-Premio Bond) in selective etch mode. At baseline and after 6, 12, and 18 months, restorations were examined by two calibrated clinicians according to modified USPHS criteria. The data were analyzed using Chi-square (χ ) test and Friedman test (p < 0.05).



RESULTS: After 18 months, two teeth at RXU group were endodontically treated due to hypersensitivities. At GCL group, three restorations were lost due to debondings (2) and ceramic fracture (1). The survival rates of RXU (94.3%) and GCL group (91.4%) exhibited no statistically significant difference (p = 0.661). No significant differences were detected for surface texture, secondary caries, anatomic form, color match, marginal discoloration, marginal integrity, interproximal contacts, and patient satisfaction (p > 0.05).


2種類のレジンセメントシステムは、レジン ナノセラミックセレックオムニカムインレー/オンレー修復物のセメ ンテーションにおいて、許容できる臨床性能を示した。

CONCLUSIONS: The two resin cement systems showed acceptable clinical performance for the cementation of resin nanoceramic CEREC Omnicam inlay/onlay restorations.


CEREC Omnicamを用いて作製されたレジンナノセラミック修復物は、セルフアドヒーシブまたはユニバーサルアドヒーシブ/レジンセメントシステムのいずれかを用いてセメント接着され、1回の来院で臼歯部に対して臨床的に許容できる結果を示した。

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Resin nanoceramic restorations fabricated using CEREC Omnicam and cemented with either a self-adhesive or a universal adhesive/resin cement system demonstrated clinically acceptable results for posterior teeth in a single visit.