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J Conserv Dent.2021;24(5):519-523.


Interdisciplinary esthetic approach in clinical dental rehabilitation.

PMID: 35399760



During the esthetic evaluation of smile, the presence of diastemas, tooth color, size and shape, and the amount of gingival exposure are important factors to be considered. A 23-year-old female patient was referred to us with a dissatisfaction with her smile. After clinical examination revealed esthetic alterations as generalized tooth yellowish discoloration, a slight diastema in the upper anterior region, and a shortened appearance of maxillary dental crowns, providing a gingival smile. The proposed treatment consisted of an esthetic rehabilitation for resolution of gummy smile and closure of diastema in anterior teeth by the use of digital planning as a guide for the accomplishment of integrated procedures. The result obtained by the multidisciplinary treatment associating periodontal surgical procedure for esthetic crown lengthening with in-office bleaching and direct restorations with composite resin, by digital planning, provided evident harmonization between tooth color and shape and gingival contour, enabling more harmonious smile esthetics.