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J Prosthet Dent.2024 Apr;131(4):567-578.


Comparing survival rates of endodontically treated teeth restored either with glass-fiber-reinforced or metal posts: A systematic review and meta-analyses.

PMID: 35430048




STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: When restoring endodontically treated teeth, a post system is indicated to retain a core. Clinicians can choose from different post materials and types. However, the literature is inconclusive on the long-term clinical performance of available post systems.



PURPOSE: The purpose of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to analyze the survival and failure rates of endodontically treated teeth restored either with glass-fiber-reinforced or metal posts.


PICOS(Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Study Type)ツールを用いて、PRISMA(Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses)ガイドラインに従って研究課題を設定した。Medline(PubMed)、Embase、Scopusの検索を手動検索で補完し、追跡期間が2年以上のランダム化比較臨床試験を検索した。独立した2人の著者が論文のスクリーニングとデータ抽出を行った。メタアナリシスは、RevManソフトウェアプログラムを用いて実施した。均質性はカイ検定およびI検定を用いてチェックし、ランダム効果メタアナリシスを適用した。オッズ比と95%信頼区間を算出した(α=.05)。出版バイアスはファネルプロットおよびBegg検定とEgger検定を用いて評価した。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: The research question was formulated by following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines by using the Population, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, Study Type (PICOS) tool. Medline (PubMed), Embase, and Scopus searches complemented by manual search were performed for randomized controlled clinical trials with a follow-up of at least 2 years. Two independent authors performed screening and data extraction of the articles. Meta-analyses were performed with the RevMan software program. Homogeneity was checked by using chi and I tests, and random-effects meta-analyses were applied. Odds ratio and 95% confidence interval were calculated (α=.05). The publication bias was evaluated by using funnel plots and the Begg and Egger tests.



RESULTS: A total of 184 studies were retrieved through the electronic searches, and an additional 4 through the hand search. After title- and abstract-level exclusion, 23 studies remained for full-text analyses, of which 7 were selected for data extraction. Meta-analyses revealed an overall survival rate of 92.8% for endodontically treated teeth restored with glass-fiber-reinforced posts compared with 78.1% of those restored with metal posts. No statistically significant difference (P>.05) was found in the survival, success, or failure rates.



CONCLUSIONS: No statistically significant differences were found between the survival and failure rates of endodontically treated teeth restored either with glass-fiber-reinforced or metal posts. The overall survival rate was 92.8% for glass fiber posts and 78.1% for metal posts. Both are reliable materials when a significant amount of coronal tooth structure is missing and treatment with a post is indicated.