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J Prosthodont.2023 Mar;32(3):253-258.


Influence of the Number of Teeth and Location of the Virtual Occlusal Record on the Accuracy of the Maxillo-Mandibular Relationship Obtained by Using An Intraoral Scanner.

PMID: 35448911




PURPOSE: To assess the influence of the number of teeth (2, 3, or 4) and location (molars, molar and premolar, or premolars and canines) of the bilateral virtual occlusal record on the accuracy of the virtual maxillo-mandibular relationship acquired by an intraoral scanner (IOS).


半調節性咬合器に装着した診断用模型を得た。第一大臼歯と犬歯の顔面に4つのマーカーを装着した。口腔外スキャナーを用いて、装着したギプスをデジタル化した。口腔内スキャナー(TRIOS 4)を用いて上顎および下顎の口腔内デジタルスキャンを行った。上顎と下顎のデジタルスキャンを105回複製し、両側仮想咬合記録(n = 15)の歯の数(2、3、4)と位置(大臼歯、大臼歯と小臼歯、小臼歯と犬歯)に基づいて7つのグループに分けた。スキャンの位置合わせは、対応する咬合記録の取得後にIOSプログラムによって自動的に行われた。基準スキャンと105本のデジタルスキャンで、ゲージボール間の8つの直線距離を計算した。基準スキャンで得られた距離は、各実験スキャンで得られた距離との不一致を計算するために使用された。シャピロ・ウィルク検定は、データが正規分布していることを示した。2元配置ANOVAと一対比較Tukey検定(α=0.05)を用いて、真度と精度のデータを分析した。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Diagnostic casts mounted on a semi-adjustable articulator were obtained. Four markers were adhered on the facial surfaces of the first molars and canines. The mounted casts were digitized using an extraoral scanner. Maxillary and mandibular intraoral digital scans were obtained using an intraoral scanner (TRIOS 4). The maxillary and mandibular digital scans were duplicated 105 times and divided into 7 groups based on the number of teeth (2, 3, or 4) and location (molar, molar and premolar, or premolars and canines) of the bilateral virtual occlusal records (n = 15). The alignment of the scans was automatically performed after the acquisition of the corresponding occlusal records by the IOS program. Eight linear distances between the gauge balls were computed on the reference scan and on the 105 digital scans. The distances obtained on the reference scan were used to calculate the discrepancies with the distances obtained on each experimental scan. The Shapiro-Wilk test showed that the data was normally distributed. The trueness and precision data were analyzed using 2-way ANOVA followed by pairwise comparison Tukey tests (α = 0.05).


2元配置分散分析により、歯数(p < 0.001)および仮想咬合記録の位置(p < 0.001)が顎咬合関係の精度に有意な因子であることが示された。Tukey検定の結果、各群間に有意な平均値の差が認められた:4歯群は最も高い "trueness "を示し、2歯群は最も低い "trueness "を示した(p < 0.001)。Tukey検定では、仮想咬合採得位置間で有意な "trueness "の差が示された。より後方に位置する2-teethの咬合記録が最も低い咬合精度を示した。精度の値は、テストしたサブグループ間で有意差が認められた(p < 0.001)。2-teethグループは3-teethグループおよび4-teethグループよりも有意に高い精度が得られた。さらに、第一大臼歯と第二小臼歯の位置の精度が最も高く、第一小臼歯と第二小臼歯の位置の精度が最も低かった。

RESULTS: Two-way ANOVA showed that the number of teeth (p < 0.001) and the position of the virtual occlusal record (p < 0.001) were significant factors on the accuracy of the maxillo-mandibular relationship. Tukey test showed significant overall mean differences between the different groups tested: the 4-teeth group obtained the highest trueness, and the 2-teeth group showed the lowest trueness values (p < 0.001). Tukey test showed significant trueness differences between the virtual occlusal record locations. The 2-teeth record located more posteriorly obtained the lowest trueness. Significant differences in precision values were found among the subgroups tested (p < 0.001). The 2-teeth group obtained significantly more precision values than the 3- and 4-teeth groups. Additionally, there was a significant difference in precision values between the subgroup tested in which the first molar and second premolar location had the highest precision, while the first and second premolar's location obtained the lowest precision.



CONCLUSIONS: The number of teeth and the location of the bilateral virtual occlusal record influenced the accuracy of the virtual maxillo-mandibular relationship obtained by the intraoral scanner tested. The more teeth included in the bilateral virtual occlusal record, the higher the accuracy of the maxillo-mandibular relationship. Additionally, the more anteriorly located the virtual bilateral occlusal record involving 2 or 3 teeth was, the higher the accuracy mean value.