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J Prosthet Dent.2022 Jun;127(6):926.e1-926.e10.


Effect of different surface treatments and thermomechanical aging on the ion elution of CAD-CAM materials.

PMID: 35491257




STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: Dental ceramics have been reported to elute ions when subjected to nonneutral pH. However, the effect of surface treatments and thermomechanical aging on the ion elution of CAD-CAM ceramics is unclear.



PURPOSE: The purpose of this in vitro study was to compare the effect of surface treatment (glazed or polished) and thermomechanical aging on the ion elution of CAD-CAM materials before and after 2-body wear simulation.


リューサイト(LC)、長石質(FP)、ジルコニア強化ケイ酸リチウム(ZLS)、二ケイ酸リチウム(LDS)ガラスセラミックス、ポリマー浸透セラミックネットワーク(PICN)、ジルコニア(ZIR)の6種類のCAD-CAM材料から試験片を作製し、表面処理(艶出しまたは研磨)によって2つのグループに分けた(n=6)。ベースラインのイオン溶出値については、37℃で168時間インキュベーターに保管した脱イオン水(pH7.4)を入れたポリエチレン製ボトルに試料を入れた。浸漬液中の溶出イオンを誘導結合プラズマ発光分光光度計を用いて測定した。次に、ヒトのエナメル質を拮抗物質として用いて、試料を熱機械的老化に供した。エージング後、試料のイオン溶出量を再測定した。2体磨耗前後のイオン溶出データはMann-Whitney U検定を用いて分析し、2体磨耗の影響はWilcoxon符号付順位検定を用いて評価した(α=.05)。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Specimens were prepared from 6 CAD-CAM materials-leucite (LC), feldspathic (FP), zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate (ZLS), lithium disilicate (LDS) glass-ceramics, polymer-infiltrated ceramic network (PICN), and zirconia (ZIR)-and divided into 2 groups according to the surface treatments (glazed or polished) (n=6). For baseline ion elution values, specimens were placed into polyethylene bottles containing deionized water (pH 7.4) that had been stored in an incubator for 168 hours at 37 °C. The eluted ions in the immersion solution were measured by using inductively coupled plasma-optic emission spectrophotometry. The specimens were then subjected to thermomechanical aging by using human enamel as an antagonist. After aging, the ion elution of the specimens was remeasured. Ion elution data before and after 2-body wear were analyzed by using the Mann-Whitney U test, while the effect of 2-body wear was assessed by using the Wilcoxon signed rank test (α=.05).


2体摩耗前(Al、As、B、Ba、Ca、K、Li、Mg、Na、P、Zn)および2体摩耗後(Al、B、Ba、Ca、Co、Li、Mg、P)の材料-表面処理ペアによって、いくつかのイオンの存在が変化した。LC(PとZn)とPICN(Ca、Cu、K)(P≤.009)を除き、2体磨耗前の研磨材は艶出し材よりもイオン溶出量が多かった(P≤.041)。2体摩耗後,研磨LC(BおよびBa),FP(Al,BおよびMg),ZLS(Al,Ba,CaおよびLi),ZIR(BおよびBa),研磨PICN(Ca,MgおよびP),ZLS(P)およびZIR(Co)は,同等品よりも高いイオン溶出量を示した(P≤.041).研磨LC(Al, K)、FP(Na)、ZLS(Li)、LDS(K, Na)、PICN(Al, Na)、ZIR(Na, Y)、研磨LC(Na)、FP(Ba, Na)、ZLS(B, Ba, Y)、LDS(Na)、PICN(Y)、ZIR(Na)のイオン溶出に対する2体摩耗の影響は有意ではなかった(P≥.075)。しかし、残りのイオンの溶出は、2体装着の前後で有意差を示した(P≤.046)。

RESULTS: The presence of some ions varied depending on the material-surface treatment pair before (Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, K, Li, Mg, Na, P, and Zn) and after (Al, B, Ba, Ca, Co, Li, Mg, and P) 2-body wear. Polished materials had higher ion elution than the glazed materials before 2-body wear (P≤.041), except for LC (P and Zn) and PICN (Ca, Cu, and K) (P≤.009). After 2-body wear, polished LC (B and Ba), FP (Al, B, and Mg), ZLS (Al, Ba, Ca, and Li), ZIR (B and Ba), glazed PICN (Ca, Mg, and P), ZLS (P), and ZIR (Co) presented higher ion elution than their counterparts (P≤.041). The effect of 2-body wear on the ion elution of polished LC (Al, K), FP (Na), ZLS (Li), LDS (K, Na), PICN (Al, Na), ZIR (Na, Y), glazed LC (Na), FP (Ba, Na), ZLS (B, Ba, Y), LDS (Na), PICN (Y), and ZIR (Na) was nonsignificant (P≥.075). However, the elution of remaining ions showed a significant difference before and after 2-body wear (P≤.046).


試験したCAD-CAM材料の化学的安定性は、2体摩耗の影響を受けた。LDSとPICNを除くイオン溶出量は、グレージングにより低下した。PICNでは研磨によりイオン溶出量が低下したが、 LDSではどちらの表面処理でも同程度のイオン溶出量であった。

CONCLUSIONS: The chemical stability of tested CAD-CAM materials was affected by the 2-body wear. Glazing led to a lower ion elution except for LDS and PICN. While polishing resulted in lower ion elution for PICN, both surface treatments resulted in similar ion elution for LDS.