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J Prosthet Dent.2024 Jun;131(6):1043-1050.


Factors influencing the clinical performance of the restoration of endodontically treated teeth: An assessment of systematic reviews of clinical studies.

PMID: 35527069




STATEMENT OF PROBLEM: How best to restore endodontically treated teeth is still unclear because many types of material and techniques are involved.



PURPOSE: The purpose of this overview of systematic reviews of clinical studies was to assess the available evidence-based literature on the influence of associated clinical factors on the clinical performance (survival, failure rate, or success) of restored endodontically treated teeth.


PubMed、Scopus、およびWeb of Scienceを創刊から2021年9月27日まで検索し、システマティックレビューを特定した。2名のレビュアーが独立してタイトル、抄録、全文論文をスクリーニングし、各レビュアーが対象研究の半数のデータを抽出した。独立した検証者を含む1人のレビュアーが質の評価を完了した。収集されたデータの記述的分析が行われた。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science were searched from inception until September 27, 2021, to identify systematic reviews. Two reviewers independently screened titles, abstracts, and full-text articles, and each reviewer extracted the data of half of the included studies. A single reviewer with an independent verifier completed the quality appraisal. A descriptive analysis of the collected data was made.


合計36件のシステマティックレビューが組み入れ基準を満たした。最も評価された因子は、歯冠修復技術のタイプ(n=22)とポストのタイプ(n=22)であった。その結果、メタルポストとファイバーポストの臨床的性能は同程度であること、1ピースエンドドンティッククラウンは適切な修復オプションである可能性があること、単冠が直接修復よりも良いか悪いかを確認するエビデンスはないこと、歯冠構造の維持は基本的な要素であること、フェルール効果はまだ論争の的であることが示された。ほとんどの研究(n=30、81%)は、最終的なGRADE(Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations)評価が "critically low "であった。

RESULTS: A total of 36 systematic reviews fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The factors most assessed were the type of coronal restorative technique (n=22) and type of post (n=22). The results indicated that metal and fiber posts seem to present similar clinical performance, 1-piece endodontic crowns could be a suitable restorative option, there is no evidence to confirm whether single crowns are better or worse than direct restoration, the maintenance of the coronal structure is a fundamental factor, and the ferrule effect is still a controversial topic. Most of the studies (n=30, 81%) presented a final Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluations (GRADE) rating of "critically low."



CONCLUSIONS: The post type does not appear to influence the clinical performance of restored endodontically treated teeth. However, conclusive evidence to suggest how different materials or techniques for restoring coronal tooth structure affect the clinical performance of such restorations, as well as the impact of the ferrule effect, is still lacking.