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Int Endod J.2022 Oct;55 Suppl 4:1020-1058.


Present status and future directions: Surgical endodontics.

PMID: 35670053



Endodontic surgery encompasses several procedures for the treatment of teeth with a history of failed root canal treatment, such as root-end surgery, crown and root resections, surgical perforation repair and intentional replantation. Endodontic microsurgery is the evolution of the traditional apicoectomy techniques and incorporates high magnification, ultrasonic root-end preparation and root-end filling with biocompatible filling materials. Modern endodontic surgery uses the dental operating microscope, incorporates cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) for preoperative diagnosis and treatment planning, and has adopted piezoelectric approaches to osteotomy and root manipulation. Crown and root resection techniques have benefitted from the same technological advances. This review focuses on the current state of root-end surgery by comparing the techniques and materials applied during endodontic microsurgery to the most widely used earlier methods and materials. The most recent additions to the clinical protocol and technical improvements are discussed, and an outlook on future directions is given. Whilst nonsurgical retreatment remains the first choice to address most cases with a history of endodontic failure, modern endodontic microsurgery has become a predictable and minimally invasive alternative for the retention of natural teeth.