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Community Dent Health.2022 Aug;39(3):169-174.


Oral health status and absence from school among 12 year olds.

PMID: 35704306




OBJECTIVE: To assess dental caries, periodontal status, malocclusion and absenteeism from school among 12-year-olds in Bhopal district, Central India.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: Two-stage random sample of 1238 school children. Decayed missing filled teeth (DMFT), Significant caries index (SiC), community periodontal index (CPI) and dental aesthetic index (DAI) were used to record dental caries, periodontal status and malocclusion. Information on absence from school in the previous year due to pain/discomfort in the teeth or mouth was collected via interviews. Generalized structural equation modelling (GSEM) examined the direct and indirect predictors of absence from school.


合計39.1%、17.3%、23.9%の小児にう蝕、歯石、歯肉出血が認められた。DMFTおよびSiCスコアの平均値は1.82±1.36および3.15±1.47であった。児童1,000人あたり5,127時間が口腔衛生問題により欠席した。いずれの調査変数も欠席を予測しなかった。歯科治療の利用は、性別および不正咬合と直接関連していた(ps↪Ps_0.001↩ 0.278)。歯周病の状態は、男性の性別、核家族、タバコの消費、不正咬合と関連していた(p↪Ps_0.001↩ 0.278)。DMFTの高値は、男性性、不正咬合、痛み/不快感の経験と関連していた(p⟨ 0.001)。

RESULTS: A total of 39.1%, 17.3% and 23.9% of children had dental caries, calculus and gingival bleeding respectively. Mean DMFT and SiC scores were 1.82± 1.36 and 3.15 ± 1.47. 5,127 school hours were missed due to oral health problems per 1,000 children. None of the studied variables predicted absence from school. Utilization of dental care was associated directly with gender and malocclusion (p⟨ 0.001). Periodontal status was associated with male gender, nuclear families, tobacco consumption, and malocclusion (p⟨ 0.001). Higher DMFT was associated with male gender, malocclusion and experience of pain/discomfort (p⟨ 0.001).



CONCLUSIONS: Poor oral health and a high prevalence of untreated dental caries were noted. Despite a considerable number of missed school hours reported due to dental conditions, none of the studied variables predicted absence from school.