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J Maxillofac Oral Surg.2022 Jun;21(2):580-589.


Surgical Stent Guided Versus Conventional Method of Implant Placement.

PMID: 35712394




AIM: The aim of this study is to compare the surgical accuracy and efficiency of endo-osseous implant placement using a conventional method and when placed using a custom surgical guide.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was carried out in a case control design on 20 patients aged between 15 years and 60 years. In the study group ( = 10) the implants were placed with the help of a surgical stent, while in the control group ( = 10) implants were placed in a conventional manner (without surgical stent) planned only with CBCT scan. The same surgeon placed the implants in both the groups.


各患者は、埋入されたインプラントの数で検討された。各計画インプラントと実際のインプラントを8つの量的変数で比較し、サージカルガイドと従来の埋入インプラントの精度を観察・比較した。データの分析は、統計ソフト(Graphpad Prism (Version 5))を使用し、盲検化された統計学者1名によって行われた。2つの研究グループ間の有意差を観察するために、パラメトリックデータにはMicrosoft excelとStudent T検定、カテゴリーデータにはカイ二乗検定を使用した。ノンパラメトリックのカイ二乗検定では、頬側および舌側/口蓋側皮質板とインプラントの偏差、隣接歯とインプラントの偏差、中遠心角の偏差において、外科的ステントガイドと従来の手術の間に統計学的に有意な差があることが明らかになったが、限界骨量偏差、安定性偏差、痛みと腫れ偏差、治療時間とセッション数偏差、満足度偏差の間の差は統計学的に有意ではなかった。

RESULTS: Each patient was considered in terms of the number of implants received. Each planned and actual implant was compared in terms of the 8 quantitative variables, which were used to observe and compare the accuracy of the surgical guides and conventionally placed implants. Data were analysed by a single blinded statistician using statistical software (Graphpad Prism (Version 5)). The Microsoft excel and Student T test for parametric data and Chi-square test for categorical data were used to observe significant differences between the 2 study groups. The nonparametric Chi-Square test revealed a statistically significant difference between surgical stent guided and conventional surgery in terms of buccal and lingual/palatal cortical plate to implant deviation, adjacent tooth to implant deviation, and mesiodistal angular deviation, whereas the differences between the marginal bone loss deviation, stability deviation, pain and swelling deviation, treatment time and number of sessions deviation, satisfaction deviation were not statistically significant.



CONCLUSION: From our study, we can conclude that guided surgery is essential for insertion of the implants regardless of the surgical technique. The success of the guided surgery depends on accuracy of the clinical and/or laboratorial steps of the virtual planning. Despite all the limitations and probability of errors encountered in our study, the guided surgery is superior in better positioning of implants.