Factors influencing the desire for orthodontic treatment among patients and parents in Saudi Arabia: A cross-sectional study.
PMID: 35754422
OBJECTIVES: The decision to pursue orthodontic treatment is influenced by a variety of cosmetic, functional, and social reasons. This study compared the factors that influence adults' decisions before orthodontic treatment versus parents' decisions prior to their children's orthodontic treatment in Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia.
サウジアラビアのジェッダ市にあるキング・アブドゥルアジーズ大学の矯正歯科クリニックと私立の矯正歯科クリニックの患者を対象に横断的なアンケート調査を実施した。調査は,成人向けと子どもの親向けの 2 種類の質問紙で構成された.アンケートでは,参加者の属性,治療の必要性に至った要因,矯正治療を選択する前に考慮したことについて質問した.また、成人の意思決定プロセスに影響を与える要因を、両親の意思決定プロセスとカイ二乗検定で比較した。
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was distributed to the patients of orthodontic clinics of King Abdulaziz University in addition to a private orthodontic clinic in Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia. The survey consisted of two versions of a questionnaire: one for adults and one for children's parents. The survey inquired about the participants' demographics, factors that led to the necessity of treatment, and considerations before opting for orthodontic treatment. The factors influencing the decision-making process of adults were compared to that of parents using the Chi-square test.
成人 331 名、父母 86 名、計 417 名が参加した。両群とも回答者の大半は女性であった。子供と比較すると、大人の方が矯正治療の必要性を認識していた(大人 78.5% 対 子供 41.9%)。成人および保護者が矯正治療を開始する主な動機は、審美性の向上(58.6%および87.2%)であり、機能的な懸念はあまり報告されていない(12.1%および15.1%)。矯正歯科治療に関する情報源は,成人ではあまり信頼できない情報源に頼っていたが,親ではより信頼できる情報源に頼っていた.
RESULTS: A total of 417 subjects participated, 331 adults and 86 parents. The majority of the respondents in both groups were females. When compared to children, adults were more aware of the necessity for orthodontic treatment (78.5% of adults vs. 41.9% of children). The primary motivation for adults and parents to begin orthodontic treatment was to improve their esthetic appearance (58.6% and 87.2%), whereas functional concerns were less frequently reported (12.1% and 15.1%). Adults relied on less trustworthy sources of information about orthodontic treatment options, whereas parents relied on more dependable sources.
CONCLUSIONS: The main reason for opting for orthodontic treatment in Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia was esthetic for both adults and children.