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J Dent Sci.2022 Jul;17(3):1260-1265.


Residual antibacterial effects of a mixture of silver nanoparticles/calcium hydroxide and other root canal medicaments against .

PMID: 35784127




BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: Intracanal medicaments with high residual inhibition effects are used to achieve successful endodontic treatment and prevent reinfection. This in vitro study aimed to assess antimicrobial residual effects of different intracanal medicaments against in root dentin one week after drug therapy.



MATERIALS AND METHODS: Seventy human teeth were standardized to have 15 mm of length and were prepared by ProTaper rotary system. The teeth were randomly divided into six experimental (n = 10) and two control (n = 5) groups and subjected to drug therapy as follows; group CHX: 2% chlorhexidine gel, group CH: calcium hydroxide paste, group CH/CHX: mixture of calcium hydroxide and 2% CHX, group TAP: triple antibiotic paste, group DAP: double antibiotic paste, group CH/AgNPs: mixture of CH paste and silver nanoparticle suspension. After one week, the medicaments were removed from the root canals and was inoculated into the canals. The teeth were incubated at 37 °C for 24 h. Using a size 40 hedstrom file, dentin chips were collected and number of colony forming units were counted.



RESULTS: The difference between all experimental groups was statistically significant in this regard (P < 0.05) except for DAP and TAP groups, in which, no bacterial colony was noted after culture. After DAP and TAP, the lowest colony count was noted in CH/AgNPs, CH/CHX and CHX groups. The highest colony count was noted in CH group.



CONCLUSION: Our results showed favorable residual antibacterial effects of TAP, DAP and CH/AgNP medicaments after one week of application.