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J Dent.2022 Sep;124:104221.


Additive or subtractive manufacturing of crown patterns used for pressing or casting: A trueness analysis.

PMID: 35820503




OBJECTIVES: To investigate the effect of subtractive and additive manufacturing techniques on the trueness of crown patterns used for pressing or casting.


下顎右側第一大臼歯の完全被覆クラウンを標準テッセレーション言語(STL)形式で設計した.このSTLをコントロール(C-STL)とし,3Dプリントレジン(PR, ProArt Print Wax),鋳造に適した粉砕可能なワックス(BW, ProArt CAD Wax Blue),プレスに適した粉砕可能なワックス(YW, ProArt CAD Wax Yellow)で30個のクラウンパターンを作製した(n=10).サブトラクティブパターンは5軸ミリングユニット(PrograMill PM7)を用いて作製し、3Dプリントパターンはデジタル光加工ベースの3Dプリンター(PrograPrint PR5; Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein)を用いて作製した。作製したパターンはすべて口腔内スキャナー(CEREC Primescan SW 5.2)を用いてデジタル化し、テストSTLを作成した。C-STLとテストSTLを3D解析ソフトウェア(Medit Link v 2.4.4)に転送した。二乗平均平方根(RMS)法を用いて、4つの異なる表面(外表面、マージン付きイン タリオ、マージナル、マージンなしインタリオ)および完全なスキャンメッシュ(全体)で真度評価を行った。データはKruskal-WallisおよびMann-Whitney U検定(α=.05)で分析した。

MATERIAL AND METHODS: A complete-coverage mandibular right first molar crown was designed in standard tessellation language (STL) format. This STL served as the control (C-STL) and was used to fabricate 30 crown patterns in 3D-printed resin (PR, ProArt Print Wax), millable wax suitable for casting (BW, ProArt CAD Wax Blue), and millable wax suitable for pressing (YW, ProArt CAD Wax Yellow) (n = 10). Subtractively manufactured patterns were fabricated by using a 5-axis milling unit (PrograMill PM7), while 3D-printed patterns were fabricated by using a digital light processing-based 3D printer (PrograPrint PR5; Ivoclar Vivadent, Schaan, Liechtenstein). All fabricated patterns were digitized by using an intraoral scanner (CEREC Primescan SW 5.2) to generate test-STLs. C-STL and test-STLs were transferred into a 3D analysis software (Medit Link v 2.4.4). Trueness evaluation was performed at 4 different surfaces (external, intaglio with margin, marginal, and intaglio without margin) and for complete scan meshes (overall) by using the root mean square (RMS) method. Data were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests (α = .05).



RESULTS: RMS values varied significantly at all surfaces (P < .001), except for marginal surface (P = .151). PR had the highest RMS values at external surface (P ≤ .007), intaglio surfaces (with (P ≤ .003) and without margin (P ≤ .005)), and overall (P ≤ .01). No significant differences were observed between YW and BW (P ≥ .223).



CONCLUSION: Patterns fabricated by using subtractive manufacturing exhibited high trueness. The deviation values, in general, were small, particularly at intaglio and marginal surfaces; thus, clinical difference in crown-fit may be negligible using additive or subtractive technique.



CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The fit of definitive crowns may be similar when tested crown patterns are additively or subtractively manufactured. However, crowns fabricated by using tested 3D-printed resin patterns may require more chairside adjustments compared with those fabricated by using subtractively manufactured wax patterns.