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Clin Exp Dent Res.2022 Dec;8(6):1449-1455.


The changes in levels of blood cortisol, glucose, and oxygen saturation in type 2 diabetic patients during tooth extraction.

PMID: 35909305




OBJECTIVES: The extraction of a tooth exacerbates the stress in diabetic patients leading to diabetic complications so the aim was to evaluate the changes in blood cortisol, glucose, and oxygen saturation in type 2 diabetic patients during tooth extraction to pay special attention during a routine surgical procedure.


抜歯の適応がある2型糖尿病患者40名を対象とした。20名ずつ2つのサブグループに分け、局所麻酔(アドレナリンを追加したリドカインまたはリドカインのみ)により分けた。コルチゾール、血糖、血圧、動脈脈拍、血中酸素飽和度を測定した。また、Visual Analog Scale(VAS)を用いて痛みに対する感受性を評価した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The research included 40 patients with type 2 diabetes with indications of tooth extraction. They were divided into two subgroups by 20 participants and split according to local anesthesia (lidocaine with additional adrenaline or lidocaine only). Cortisol, blood sugar, blood pressure, arterial pulse, and blood oxygen saturation were measured. Patients were also evaluated for their sensitivity to pain through the Visual Analog Scale (VAS).


コルチゾールとグルコースレベルは手術中、科学的に上昇した。一方、収縮期血圧、拡張期血圧、飽和度は、抜歯中と抜歯後の測定値に差はなかった(それぞれp=.280; p=.090; p=.590)。ほとんどの患者(60.0%)は、処置中/処置後に痛みを感じなかった。また、VASで30点以上の痛みを感じた患者はいなかった。リドカイン投与群間の比較では、リドカインにアドレナリンを追加しても統計学的な差は認められなかった。VASによる痛みの評価では、アドレナリンなしでリドカインを投与された場合、より多くの患者が痛みを感じていた。

RESULTS: Cortisol and glucose levels scientifically increased throughout the procedure. Meanwhile, systolic, and diastolic blood pressure and saturation showed no difference between the measurements during and after tooth extraction (p = .280; p = .090; p = .590, respectively). Most patients (60.0%) felt no pain during/after the procedure. None of the subjects was feeling more pain than 30 points by VAS. The comparison between groups receiving lidocaine showed no statistical differences when adding adrenaline to lidocaine. Evaluation of pain by VAS showed that more patients felt pain when they were receiving lidocaine without adrenaline.



CONCLUSIONS: Diabetic patients require a more cautious approach when undergoing teeth extractions despite it being a routine procedure.