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Oral Dis.2022 Aug;


Oral microbiome and serological analyses on association of Alzheimer's disease and periodontitis.

PMID: 35950713




OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between Alzheimer's disease (AD) and periodontitis in the aspects of periodontal status, serological markers, and oral microbiome.


年齢と性別をマッチさせたケースコントロール研究として、AD20名と健常者20名を登録した。歯周病の臨床パラメータと,アミロイドβ(Aβ),タウ,リン酸化タウ(pTau),トリグリセリド,炎症性サイトカイン,抗 Porphyromonas gingivalis リポポリサッカライド(LPS)抗体を含む血清バイオマーカーを検討した.唾液サンプルは口腔内マイクロバイオーム組成を分析した。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty AD and 20 healthy subjects were enrolled in this age- and gender-matched case-control study. Clinical periodontal parameters and serum biomarkers, including amyloid β (Aβ ), Tau, phosphorylated Tau (pTau), triglyceride, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and anti-Porphyromonas gingivalis lipopolysaccharide (LPS) antibody were examined. The saliva samples were analyzed for oral microbiome composition.


臨床的認知症評価(CDR)が1以上のアルツハイマー病患者は、CDRが低い患者よりも有意に臨床的アタッチメントロス(CAL)を示した。血清タウ蛋白質、hsCRP、抗P.gingivalis LPS抗体値は、対照群に比べAD群で著明に上昇した。血清pTau蛋白質レベルは、抗P.gingivalis LPS抗体価と正の相関があった。さらに、Capnocytophaga sp ora clone DZ074, Eubacterium infirmum, Prevotella buccae, Selenomonas artemidisがAD群で多く検出され、AD群の血清中Aβ濃度は対照群に比べ有意に高かった。また,血清中のAβ pTau濃度および抗P.gingivalis LPS抗体が,ヒト敗血症の遺伝子発現上昇と強く関連していることが示唆された.

RESULTS: Alzheimer's disease patients with Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR) ≥1 exhibited significantly more clinical attachment loss (CAL) than those with lower CDR. The levels of serum Tau protein, hsCRP and anti-P. gingivalis LPS antibody were markedly elevated in the AD group compared with the control group. Serum pTau protein level was positively correlated with anti-P. gingivalis LPS antibody titer. Moreover, the increased abundances of Capnocytophaga sp ora clone DZ074, Eubacterium infirmum, Prevotella buccae, and Selenomonas artemidis were detected in the AD group. Interestingly, serum levels of Aβ pTau, and anti-P. gingivalis LPS antibody were strongly related to the gene upregulation in human pathogen septicemia.


本研究は、歯周病感染症および口腔内マイクロバイオームと AD との関連を示唆するものであった。今後,縦断的な追跡調査を伴う大規模な研究が必要である.

CONCLUSIONS: Our study suggested the association of periodontal infection and oral microbiome with AD. Further large-scale studies with longitudinal follow-up are warranted.