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Neurologia (Engl Ed).2022 Aug;


A phase 2, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of a valproate/lithium combination in ALS patients.

PMID: 36049647




BACKGROUND: Few treatments are currently available for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). A combination of lithium carbonate and valproic acid (VPA-Li) was shown to inhibit motor neuron death and delay disease progression.



METHODS: Outpatients with a typical ALS presentation were enrolled in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial to assess the efficacy of orally administered VPA-Li. Changes in a functional scale score (ALSFRS-R) and survival rate were chosen as primary outcome variables. Secondary outcome variables included BMI, respiratory monitoring, quality of life, and a global impression of the treatment.


登録された42人の患者のうち、VPA-Li治療を受けた20人とプラセボ治療を受けた18人が最終解析に含まれた。VPA-Liを投与された患者の45%が試験を完了したのに対し、プラセボ群では18ヵ月後の最終診察に参加した患者は22.22%にとどまった(P = 0.09)。ALSFRS-Rスコアの大きな変化が観察され、プラセボ群では1.195点/月(95%信頼区間:0.7869-1.6031)、VPA-Li投与群では0.5085点/月(95%信頼区間:0.2288-0.7882)の減少が認められた。有害事象は口臭、便秘、食欲不振などであった。生存率、体重、QOLは、特にプラセボ群で高いサンプル減少にもかかわらず、試験終了時には良好な結果であった。各群に212人の被験者を含めることで、これらの違いを確認できるであろう。

RESULTS: Out of 42 patients enrolled, 20 individuals receiving VPA-Li and 18 on placebo treatment were included in the final analysis. Forty-five percent of patients receiving VPA-Li completed the trial, whereas only 22.22% of patients in the placebo group attended the final visit 18 months later (P = 0.09). Major changes in the ALSFRS-R score were observed, including a decrease of 1.195 points/month in the placebo group (95% CI: 0.7869-1.6031) and of 0.5085 under VPA-Li treatment (95% CI: 0.2288-0.7882) between months 6 and 14. Adverse events included bad mouth taste, constipation, and anorexia. Survival rate, body weight, and quality of life were positive outcomes by the end of the trial despite a high sample reduction, especially in the placebo group. The inclusion of 212 subjects in each group would confirm these differences.



CONCLUSIONS: Combined VPA-Li treatment associated with slower ALS progression and better secondary outcomes. This dual treatment overcame the futility threshold and merits further investigation in ALS.