機械的デブライドメントと補綴物の修正を組み合わせたインプラント周囲 粘膜炎の治療における臨床結果と関連因子:30ヵ月追跡の前向き症例シリーズ
Clinical outcomes and associated factors in the treatment of peri-implant mucositis, combining mechanical debridement and prosthesis modification: A 30-month follow-up prospective case series.
PMID: 36054620
AIM: To evaluate the clinical outcome and the associated factors of a treatment protocol for peri-implant mucositis.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: Patients were evaluated 30 months after a treatment protocol including professional mechanical debridement and modification of the prosthesis contours to improve access for biofilm control. Clinical performance was assessed by means of probing with an electronic pressure-calibrated periodontal probe. The possible impact of implant- and patient-level factors on the changes in peri-implant mucosal inflammation measured with the modified bleeding index (mBI) was evaluated.
20名の患者と61本のインプラントが解析の対象となった。最終診察時、患者の50%がプロービング時に出血を認め、平均mBIは0.22(SD 0.27)であった。調整後線形回帰モデルでは、患者の支持療法受診へのコンプライアンス(p=.006)と粘膜炎症との間に有意な関連が示された。同様に、インプラントレベルでは、修正プラーク指数(p<.001)と歯間ブラシの不規則な使用(p=.017)が最終的なmBIに有意な影響を与えた。
RESULTS: Twenty patients and 61 implants were included in the analysis. At the final visit, 50% of the patients presented bleeding on probing, with a mean mBI of 0.22 (SD 0.27). The adjusted linear regression model showed a significant association between patient's compliance with supportive care visits (p = .006) and mucosal inflammation. Similarly, at the implant level, modified plaque index (p < .001) and an irregular use of interdental brushes (p = .017) had a significant impact on final mBI.
CONCLUSIONS: Prosthesis modification when needed in association with non-surgical treatment may be an important intervention in the treatment of peri-implant mucositis. Compliance with supportive care visits and the regular use of inter-dental brushes were identified as important factors to achieve mucosal inflammation control.