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PubMedの提供する医学論文データベースを日本語で検索できます。AI(Deep Learning)を活用した機械翻訳エンジンにより、精度高く日本語へ翻訳された論文をご参照いただけます。
Int J Environ Res Public Health.2022 Aug;19(17).


Clinical Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Children with Cleft Lip and Palate-A Systematic Review.

PMID: 36078576




OBJECTIVE: The objective of this systematic review was (a) to explore the current clinical applications of AI/ML (Artificial intelligence and Machine learning) techniques in diagnosis and treatment prediction in children with CLP (Cleft lip and palate), (b) to create a qualitative summary of results of the studies retrieved.


PubMed、Scopus、Web of Science Core Collectionなどのデータベースを用いて電子検索を行った。2名の査読者が別々に、同時にデータベースを検索した。最初の検索は2021年7月6日に行った。出版期間は不問としたが、検索対象はヒトを対象とし、英語で出版された論文に限定した。各データベースの検索キーワードには、Medical Subject Headings(MeSH)フレーズとフリーテキスト用語の組み合わせを用いた。以下のデータは、選択した論文の方法と結果のセクションから引用した:知的システムの訓練に利用されたAI訓練データセットの量、およびその条件特性;片側CLP、両側CLP、片側口唇裂、片側口唇裂、過鼻腔、歯科的特徴、およびCLP患児の矢状顎関係などが、研究された問題の一部である。

MATERIALS AND METHODS: An electronic search was carried out using databases such as PubMed, Scopus, and the Web of Science Core Collection. Two reviewers searched the databases separately and concurrently. The initial search was conducted on 6 July 2021. The publishing period was unrestricted; however, the search was limited to articles involving human participants and published in English. Combinations of Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) phrases and free text terms were used as search keywords in each database. The following data was taken from the methods and results sections of the selected papers: The amount of AI training datasets utilized to train the intelligent system, as well as their conditional properties; Unilateral CLP, Bilateral CLP, Unilateral Cleft lip and alveolus, Unilateral cleft lip, Hypernasality, Dental characteristics, and sagittal jaw relationship in children with CLP are among the problems studied.


事前に定義した検索文字列と付随するデータベースキーワードに基づき、Scopus、PubMed、Web of Scienceの検索結果から合計44件の論文が見つかった。全文を読んだ後、系統的な分析のために12本の論文が含まれた。

RESULTS: Based on the predefined search strings with accompanying database keywords, a total of 44 articles were found in Scopus, PubMed, and Web of Science search results. After reading the full articles, 12 papers were included for systematic analysis.



CONCLUSIONS: Artificial intelligence provides an advanced technology that can be employed in AI-enabled computerized programming software for accurate landmark detection, rapid digital cephalometric analysis, clinical decision-making, and treatment prediction. In children with corrected unilateral cleft lip and palate, ML can help detect cephalometric predictors of future need for orthognathic surgery.