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Materials (Basel).2022 Sep;15(17).


Additive Manufacturing of Lithium Disilicate with the LCM Process for Classic and Non-Prep Veneers: Preliminary Technical and Clinical Case Experience.

PMID: 36079415




BACKGROUND: ceramic veneers, crowns, and other types of restorations are often made using either the press heating technique or the subtractive method. The advent of lithography-based ceramic manufacturing (LCM) allows for the manufacturing of such restorations in an additive way.


本コンセプトペーパーでは、重度の歯牙摩耗を有する患者に対して、生体内でLCM二ケイ酸リチウム修復物を適用し、古典的なベニアを製作した最初の臨床経験について述べる。適用された修復物は、計測ソフトウェア(Geomagic Control X、3D Systems)でマージナルフィットの観点から分析された。さらに、厚さ0.1mmのノンプレップベニアの3Dプリンティングの実行可能性をテストした。

METHODS: this concept paper describes the first clinical experience in the application of LCM lithium disilicate restorations in vivo for the manufacturing of classic veneers for a patient with severe tooth wear. The applied restorations were analyzed in terms of their marginal fit in metrology software (Geomagic Control X, 3D Systems). Furthermore, the feasibility of 3D printing of non-prep veneers with a 0.1 mm thickness was tested.


従来のLCM二ケイ酸リチウムベニアを口腔内で試したところ、十分な審美性と100 µmの十分なマージナルフィットが確認された。さらに、厚さ0.1mmのノンプレップベニアは、LCM技術を用いて印刷することに成功し、in vitroの模型上でも十分な適合性を示した。

RESULTS: the classic LCM lithium disilicate veneers were tried in the mouth cavity and demonstrated adequate esthetics and a sufficient marginal fit of 100 µm. Furthermore, the non-prep veneers with a 0.1 mm thickness could be successfully printed using LCM technology and also demonstrated an adequate fit on the model in vitro.



CONCLUSIONS: the described technical approach of lithium disilicate 3D printing with LCM technology may pose a valid alternative to subtractive and analog manufacturing and be a game-changing option with the use of additive chairside ceramic fabrication.