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J Belg Soc Radiol.2022;106(1):75.

腕神経叢の造影3D-STIR-VISTA MR画像の応用

The Application of Contrast-Enhanced 3D-STIR-VISTA MR Imaging of the Brachial Plexus.

PMID: 36134175




OBJECTIVE: To introduce contrast-enhanced 3D-STIR-VISTA sequence that would improve the image quality for the brachial plexus imaging and enhance the contrast between the brachial plexus and surrounding tissues.


腕神経叢損傷患者7名、神経鞘腫患者4名、神経線維腫患者1名、胸郭出口症候群患者1名、転移患者1名、腕神経叢神経炎患者1名、異常所見のない患者15名の計30名(平均年齢47.33±15.15歳、男性22名、女性8名)を対象とした。Wilcoxonの符号順位検定により、非強調画像と造影3D-STIR-VISTA画像のスコアを5段階で比較した。造影剤を使用しない3D-STIR-VISTA画像と使用した3D-STIR-VISTA画像の信号強度(SI)、信号対雑音比(SNR)、コントラスト対雑音比(CNR)、コントラスト比(CR)を対Student t検定で比較した。

METHODS: Thirty subjects (average age, 47.33 ± 15.15 years; 22 males and 8 females) were enrolled, including 7 patients with brachial plexus injuries, 4 patients with schwannomas, 1 patient with neurofibroma, 1 patient with thoracic outlet syndrome, 1 patient with metastasis, 1 patient with brachial plexus neuritis, and 15 patients without abnormal findings. Scores of unenhanced and contrast-enhanced 3D-STIR-VISTA images using a 5-point scale were compared by Wilcoxon's signed-rank test. The signal intensity (SI), signal to noise ratio (SNR), contrast to noise ratio (CNR) and contrast ratio (CR) between 3D-STIR-VISTA images without and with contrast agent were compared by the paired Student t-test.



RESULTS: The SNRs of the brachial plexus between 3D-STIR-VISTA without and with contrast agent were not significantly different, while SNRs of surrounding tissues were significantly decreased with contrast agent. The CNRs of 3D-STIR-VISTA images with contrast agent were significantly higher than that without contrast agent. The 3D-STIR-VISTA sequence with contrast agent exhibited a statistically higher CR than that without contrast agent. The average score for 3D-STIR-VISTA images with contrast agent was significantly higher than that without contrast agent.



CONCLUSION: The 3D-STIR-VISTA sequence with contrast agent is qualitatively and quantitatively superior to that without a contrast agent. The contrast-enhanced 3D-STIR-VISTA sequence can provide distinct visualization of the brachial plexus and enhance the contrast between the brachial plexus and surrounding tissues.