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Med J Armed Forces India.2022 Sep;78(Suppl 1):S232-S237.


Measurement of association between malocclusion, nutritional status, and dental trauma in adolescents: A cross-sectional study.

PMID: 36147399



世界的にう蝕の罹患率が低下する中、外傷性歯牙損傷(TDI)が青年期の罹患率および苦痛の主な原因として浮上している。本研究の目的は、インド、カルナータカ州、Udupi talukの思春期人口におけるTDIの有病率を評価し、不正咬合および栄養状態との関連を探ることである。

BACKGROUND: With the decrease in the incidence of dental caries globally, traumatic dental injury (TDI) has emerged as a major cause of morbidity and distress among adolescents. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of TDI and explore its association with malocclusion and nutritional status among adolescent population of Udupi taluk, Karnataka state, India.


サンプルは、Udupi talukの学校から無作為に抽出した770名の児童である。体格測定を行い「肥満度」を記録し、口腔検査を行い不正咬合の「歯科審美指数」とTDIの「アンドレアセン分類」を記録した。統計解析には、カイ二乗検定、二変量および多変量二値ロジスティック回帰を用いた。p値≦0.05を統計的に有意とした。

METHODS: The sample consisted of 770 children, from randomly selected schools in Udupi taluk. An anthropometric measurement was done to record the "body mass index", an oral examination was done to record the "Dental Aesthetic Index" for malocclusion and "Andreasen classification" for TDI. Statistical analysis included chi-square test and bivariate and multivariate binary logistic regression. A p value of ≤0.05 was considered statistically significant.



RESULTS: The prevalence of TDI was 11.8%. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was 20.3%. The prevalence of malocclusion recorded in the study population was 49.8%. When prevalence of TDI was compared against gender, the type of school attended, and presence/absence of malocclusion, it was found that there was a statistically significant difference in prevalence of trauma between the aforementioned parameters (p ≤ 0.05). Results of the multivariate analysis through logistic regression indicated that being a male [3.87 (3.21-4.72)], attending a public school [1.41 (1.19-1.63)], and having malocclusion [1.55 (1.32-1.71)] significantly increased the odds of sustaining TDI.



CONCLUSION: The results indicated a strong association between TDI, gender, the type of school attended, and malocclusion, and they have important implications toward the health and well-being of the individual communities.