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Eur J Transl Myol.2022 Oct;32(4).

妊娠中の歯内療法における抗生物質の使用:A narrative review

Antibiotic use in endodontic treatment during pregnancy: A narrative review.

PMID: 36268928



More than half of pregnant women are usually affected by odontogenic pain affects. Pain often accompanies periapical or pulp infections and increases the risks to pregnant patients and their fetuses. The American Dental Association, in partnership with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, has offered a strong declaration reaffirming the significance of suitable and timely oral health care as an indispensable constituent of a healthy pregnancy. However, there is lack of knowledge about the use of antibiotics in endodontic treatment. Therefore, the present study would review the researches done in this area and tries to provide comprehensive and complete information about the use of antibiotics in endodontic treatment during pregnancy. Based on the results, it can be said that using antibiotics during pregnancy are allowed, and they can be used normally and safely by pregnant women.