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Int Endod J.2023 Feb;56(2):289-303.

銀コアシェルナノ粒子の合成と実験用レジン歯内シーラーへの影響:in vitro分析

Synthesis of silver core-shell nanoparticles and their influence on an experimental resin endodontic sealer: An in vitro analysis.

PMID: 36314859




AIM: To avoid root canal recontamination and endodontic treatment failure, endodontic sealers with antibacterial activity could be an alternative. Silver nanoparticles have antibacterial activity and this study aimed to synthesize Ag@SiO nanoparticles, incorporate them into an experimental endodontic resin sealer and evaluate their influence on physicochemical and biological properties.



METHODOLOGY: Ag@SiO nanoparticles were produced using the sol-gel process, based on the Stöber method. The particles were characterized in terms of their chemical structure by Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), UV-Vis spectral analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy, where the particle morphology and diameter were analysed. A dual-cured experimental endodontic resin sealer was formulated using 70 wt% UDMA, 15 wt% GDMA, and 15 wt% BisEMA. The photoinitiators were added separately in two pastes. The Ag@SiO nanoparticles were incorporated into the endodontic sealer at the concentrations of 2.5 wt%, 5 wt%, and 10 wt%, and a control group without nanoparticles was also formulated. The endodontic sealers were evaluated for their flow, film thickness, degree of conversion, softening in solvent, radiopacity, cytotoxicity and antibacterial activity immediately and after 9 months in water storage.


Ag@SiOの化学的特性から銀が検出され、その形状は球状で平均直径は683.51nm±93.58であった。シーラーは十分な流動性と膜厚を示したが、ラジオパシティーの値はISO 6876で要求される値以下であった。溶媒に浸漬した後、全グループが軟化した。10wt%群では、より高い表面硬度の低下(∆KHN%)を示した。細胞生存率の低下は観察されなかった。バイオフィルム中のEnterococcus faecalisの生存率は、24時間後と9ヵ月後に10wt%群で低下した。

RESULTS: Silver was detected in the chemical characterization of Ag@SiO that presented a spheric regular shape and average 683.51 nm ± 93.58 diameter. Sealers presented adequate flow and film thickness while radiopacity values were below the ones required by ISO 6876. All groups underwent softening after immersion in a solvent. The 10 wt% groups showed a higher loss of subsurface hardness (∆KHN%). No reduction in cell viability was observed. Enterococcus faecalis viability in biofilm was reduced in 10 wt% groups after 24 h and 9 months.



CONCLUSION: The addition of 10 wt% Ag@SiO reduced E. faecalis viability at immediate and longitudinal analysis while maintaining the physicochemical properties of developed sealers.